Friday, December 17, 2021

Just Believing does not change Reality

Gyana means to know the Truth - 
To see and accept reality as it is.
It means to understand the Truth and follow it.

It means things should be seen as they are - 
not as we believe them to be.

Gyana does not mean blind faith.
Because just believing does not change reality.
Just calling night as a day does not make it a day - 
the night will remain a night.

On the other hand, if we accept night as night - then there is a possibility that we will try to find a way to bring light. Otherwise, we will keep calling night as day and continue wandering in the dark and stumbling - all night.

Therefore, know the Truth - understand the Truth - 
Believe in Truth and follow the Truth - not the falsehood.

For ages, the saints and sages - Gurus and Holy Scriptures have proclaimed that blind faith can neither bring happiness nor any comfort and peace in our life.
Blind faith can not do any good for personal advancement - nor it can provide any benefit to the world.

An example of 'the churning of water to get butter is found in the ancient Indian scriptures, which were repeated later in Ram Charit Manas and Gurbani as well.
                         Jimi Khagpati Jal Kai Chiknai
                                                (Ram Charit Manas)
(Listen, the king of birds - How can one obtain butter by churning water?)
                             Neer Bilolay Khap Khap Marta
(Churning water (to get butter) one is wasting his time - his life)

No matter how much faith one has, churning water and hoping to get butter is a wastage of time.
However, if you put milk or curd in a vessel and churn it with Faith and Patience, then there is a possibility of getting butter out of it.
But no matter how deep and strong faith is, butter cannot be obtained by churning water.

Sant Amar Singh ji of Patiala used to say:
Strangely, we do all worldly tasks and run our business with proper knowledge - by analyzing and investigating everything thoroughly.
But when it comes to spirituality, we close our eyes - and start thinking and acting with blind faith.

If we eat a hot spicy chili, believing it to be a Laddu or a sugar cube, would it become sweet?
If we make hot spicy chili juice and believe it is sugarcane juice or fruit juice, will it become sugarcane or fruit juice?

We know very well that no matter how strongly we believe it - no matter how deep our faith is, it can never happen.
We may succeed in cheating our taste buds for a while, but in the stomach, it will show its effect as hot chili - and not as the sugarcane or fruit juice.

Baba Avtar Singh Ji Maharaj also used to say:
                                      Gyani hoye so chetan
Meaning after the Gyan - the Gyanis become alert and vigilant - awake, mindful, and more attentive towards the Truth.
They live life thoughtfully - by distinguishing between right and wrong - between true and false - between real and unreal.
They look at everything from the point of view of Gyana - not of blind faith.
                                                         ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Difference between faith and blind faith explained beautifully....
    Thanks Rajan jee 🙏🙏

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. bhindersingh2009@gmail.comDecember 19, 2021 at 9:08 AM

    D nk g.Eye opener words to ignore the real effects in the name of so called spirituality of the ages to taken as comandment of words given by spiritual enlighters of the days. These stories to taken word of so called spiritual enlighters against the reality is too purely becomes as blind faith for future generations far away from reality.we all r lucky who are blessed by nirankar to differentiate reality and blindfaith.but it is very important as precaution that we should not become party ourselves or others to blindfaith against the principles of real absolute spirituality.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...