Sunday, December 13, 2020

नमामीशम ईशान निर्वाणरुपं Namaameesham Eshaan

Today, on the eve of my grandson Eshaan's second birthday - I am again remembering this verse from the RudraAshtkam - which had suddenly come to my mind when I was asked to give a name for him - 2 years ago.
We give specific names to our children - with a hidden desire and hope that they will develop those qualities while growing up. 
I sincerely hope and pray that he will remember these attributes - qualities of the Almighty and will always stay connected to Nirankar - whom he is named after. 
                              Happy Birthday Eshaan

                नमामीशम ईशान निर्वाणरुपं 
               विभुः व्यापकं ब्रह्मवेदस्व
              निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं
              चिदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेऽहम् ॥१॥
                                      || रुद्राष्टकम ||
Namaameesham Eeshaan Nirvaana Roopam
Vibhum Vyaapakam Brahmavedasvaroopam
Nijam Nirgunam Nirvikalpam Nireeham
Chidaakaasham Aakaashavaasam Bhajeham

I Salute, I worship Eshaan - the Lord -
whose Form represents the state of the highest Nirvana (extinction of all desires and passions leading to the highest bliss)
Who is Omni-present - Pervading everywhere;
and All-knowing - Omniscient - whose knowledge is embodied in the core of the Vedas.
Who remains absorbed in His Own Self –
Which is Beyond the three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas),
Who is Beyond any Vikalpas (Change and Manifoldness), and which is Free from any Movement (due to desires, etc.)
Who Abides in the Chidaakaash (infinite space of consciousness); and who seems to be like Aseem - Aakaash (immeasurable, infinite and Niraakar - without form) 
- That Eshaan - that God I meditate upon.
                                                                       'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Good verse with wisdom.
    Birthday wishes to Eshan.
    Ayur dehi, vidyam dehi,vinayam dehi,dhanam dehi maheswaram.
    Samastam akhilam dehi,
    dehi may parameswaram.
    आयुर देहि, विद्यम देहि, विनयम देहि, धनं देहि महेश्वरम
    समस्तम अखिलं देहि, देहि मे परमेश्वरम 
    Dr. L. Bhandaru

  2. Happy 2nd Birthday Eshaan. Patshah Bharpur Khushian, Sohni Sehat Te Hamesha Chardi Kala Bakhshe. Jug Jug Jio.

  3. Happy Birthday Eshaan. May Satguru always bless you 🙏🎉

  4. Great explanation of Eshan
    May Almighty bless u Very happy birthday to you 🎉🎂

  5. May H.H. Satguru Mata Sudiksha-Savinder-Hardev ji bless Eshaan on his completing 2nd year of arrival in this world with infinite comforts, loads of joys, exquisite pleasures coupled with perfect health and all time vishwas in HER wisdom. Let your expectations matching his Name's real meaning be met with too.

  6. Dhan Nirankar.
    May god bless him with happiness always.😍😍🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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