Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Faith and Doubts

There is a proverb that if we have strong faith in our mind, we can move mountains.

But keep in mind - that the doubts and confusion buried in our mind can also Create mountains in our way.

It is quite natural for doubts to enter our minds - but it's not good if they stay for too long.
It creates a disturbance in life. 
One may become confused, restless, and even inactive. 

There is a story - that a Sufi Mahatma had a pig tied outside his house in a village.
Someone said to him: I know you are a truly devoted Muslim, and you must know that the pig is considered Haraam (prohibited) in Islam - but, you have tied it outside your house?

The Sufi Saint replied - Yes - because it is Haraam, I have kept it tied here.

I don't know whether that gentleman understood his answer or not, but the point he was making was - that what is not right - seems wrong - or which is doubtful and confusing - should be kept outside, not inside the house of mind.

Hidden and buried doubts frustrate the mind. 
They keep the mind baffled - perplexed, and resigned - with lack of enthusiasm.
Therefore, whenever - wherever there is a chance, one should try to redress their enigmas and issues and try to remove the doubts. 
A doubt-free mind is a happier mind.
                                                              ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Uncle Ji well said, thanks for this.

    I believe true surrender is only possible after doubts are removed.

  2. Doubts and illusion can occupy our mind/thought process very easily like maya( Material). With God's grace only, one may get protected from all these. Thanks for such a beautiful explanation ji.

  3. so True...Thanks For Sharing This


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...