Sunday, December 13, 2020

Why Talk about Death?

Received a message in response to a Sher (Couplet) posted in the blog earlier today:
Dhan Nirankar Sant Ji
Why do you always write about death? Why not write about life?

Actually, most of my articles are about life - but because most of them are only in English, therefore, may not be accessible to some Hindi and Punjabi readers.

And secondly, death is an inescapable fact - an inevitable truth that cannot be denied. 
That is why all religious Holy Scriptures insist on remembering death.

Lord Krishna also tried to explain this to Arjuna at the beginning of Bhagavad Gita.
                       Jaatasya hi Dhruvo Mrityu (2:27) 
Meaning: Anyone who is born is undoubtedly destined to die.
Think of everyone as dead - because if we look from the future - going forward a hundred or hundred and fifty years from now into the future, then everyone we see or know today will be dead - would have died. It is inevitable. 
Therefore, there is no need to fear death.

A few years ago, When my mother realized that her last time was near, she called me and asked me to come to India. 
I left immediately and reached there the very next day.
Seeing me upset, she said - there is nothing to be afraid of.
Remember that when you were young, I told you not to be afraid of exams - but prepare for them instead.
If you are prepared, then you won't be afraid.
Similarly, there is no need to fear death.
That is why I have called you here to help me in the preparation of this new journey and send me off without any fear.
I was astonished by her wisdom and courage.

Although all religious scriptures of India have repeatedly mentioned this fact - and not to be afraid of death, but surprisingly, it is often found that more fear of death is present in the people of India itself.

When I came to America, I was quite surprised to see that the people here - Christians and some Muslims as well - make arrangements for their own graves - even while they are living a healthy and happy life.
Once, our friend Kanwar Sadhwal ji told us a story.
One of his Christian friends went to buy a piece of land for his own grave.
He came back shortly and said that he did not like the place.
When asked for the reason, he said that the place was too close to the highway. There will always be too much noise, and he will not be able to sleep comfortably.
So, I will look elsewhere, He said.

At first, it seemed a little funny. 
Could there be any noise heard in the grave by the dead?
But then I realized that despite being healthy and still young - about fifty years or so - he is making arrangements of his own grave - with so much enthusiasm - without any fear.
However, in our social circles, people start trembling as soon as they hear the name of death.
"Do not talk about such inauspicious things', they would say.

Sheikh Farid said:
              "Farida Gore Nimani Sadd kary - Nigharian ghar aao
                Sar par ethay aavna - mauton kya dar aao"

"Farid says that the grave is calling you - which is the final abode.
Everyone will have to get there - why be afraid of death?"

Another thought:
It is also true that if death is remembered, then unnecessary greed, jealousy, and pride are eliminated in life.
And even if not abolished completely, their effect would be much less.
That is why our elders often used to say:
                              Always Remember two things - 
                                    God and death - Always.
                                                            'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Rather - why not talk about death? It is another shore of life and it doesn't happen overnight. Death is a slow and gradual process which starts at the time of birth only. Don't try to skip away from facts. Let's accept the truth with open hearts ����

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very well explained Uncle ji. Thanks

  4. Crux Of spirituality which wE claim As Absolute truth But in practice Only words to live. Only claim Will not serve our purpose As wE seeing in the society


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...