Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Life and Death - not in our hands

For the last couple of months, I have been continually getting news of some close friends, associates, fellow devotees, and relatives departing from this world. 

Five days ago, dear sister Vijay Gupta, Jammu, and yesterday my younger cousin Rajiv Sachdev in Patiala also departed from this world.
Despite all types of Seva and medical help, they could not be prevented from leaving.

At such times, we often find ourselves helpless. We suddenly start to apprehend our inability - insufficiency and incapacity. A feeling of helplessness arises, and suddenly, a question comes to the mind that what is in our hands after all? 
Even the most powerful and wealthy become helpless at such a time. 
They come to understand that there is nothing really in their hands.

                          Karm ki gati Nyaari
Saint Guru Kabir Ji Maharaj says:
                  Karm gati taaray nahin taree
     Muni Vasishth say Gyani Dhyani, soch kay lagan dharee
     Seeta ko har lai gayo ravan, suvarn lank jaree

That the ways of karma are unique, which can not be altered.
The marriage of Devi Sita and the coronation of Lord Rama - both were done in the auspicious time.
And the Shubh Muhurta was selected by Gurudev Vashistha Muni himself - the most learned and revered Rishi of the time.
Yet, neither their marital life was successful nor his coronation.

When Bharata asked Vashistha Muni, he regretfully replied:
    Sunahu Bharat - Bhaavi prabal - Bilakh kahehu Muni Nath
    Haani- Laabh, Jeevan-Maran, Yash-Apyash Vidhi Haath

That whatever the Karma and Bhagya have prescribed remains unchanged.
That Loss and gains - life and death - fame and blame or hurts are in the hands of the creator.

Neither Lord Rama's life could be changed, nor could Lord Krishna change his life.
Nor could Lord Shiva evade the death of Sati - his wife.
Even though he is invoked by Maha Mritunjay Mantra to escape death.

Neither Ravan could change his life nor save his golden Lanka from burning, although he also had all the powers and siddhis.
Even the Gurus, Peers, Paigambars, and Prophets could not bypass the Honi - the destiny.
Even great saints like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Raman Maharishi could not eliminate their cancer.

The time and place of birth and death - body color, shape, and size - family, society, country, etc., are all pre-determined. Every person brings with him his character, nature, temperament, and previous life experience and perceptions.

Changing the fate of the former deeds is quite difficult - if not impossible.
If not all, then perhaps the consequences of some of the previous actions can be changed.

But, just as iron cuts iron, only the new karma can erase the previous karma.

So if we want to change our life, then we must change our actions - our deeds.
Today's good and favorable deeds can eliminate past deeds - or reduce their intensity.
And in addition to this, the present auspicious actions - prayers and devotion will bring good fruits and outcomes in the future.
If the thought, speech, and action - are pure, then the life and after-life will also become favorable and auspicious.
So - Think good, Speak good, and Do good.
                                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Just now - while I was about to post this blog - I received the news that  Rev. Premjit Singh Ji - father of Rev Sherry Dayal Ji - of Raleigh, North Carolina - very peacefully merged with Nirankar yesterday.

Just two weeks ago, Mr. Karanjit - Babbi Toor ji, in Toronto, also suddenly left his body and went to the other world - in a matter of a few minutes only.


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...