Monday, April 15, 2019

We have Two Self

We have not one, but two self. - Lower-Self and a Higher-Self.
The Lower self always feels insecure and constantly keeps looking for something that will make us feel happier - more safe and secure. We keep on collecting and gathering more materialistic things to secure our future. It is not wrong to plan for a better and secure future and work for it. The future is unknown and unpredictable. Gathering and saving for the rainy days, especially for the old-age is very important for everyone. However, it is over greed which creates problems for physical as well as mental health and keeps us away from spirituality. A greedy mind cannot find any time to understand the intricacies of spirituality. At the same time, the one who is constantly worrying about meeting the ends meal also has no time to dive into the depth of Spirituality. So, they both look for an easy way to please God - or to convince themselves that they are in fact, doing something more than just making money. Only a content mind can dive into the depth of Spirituality to understand its intricacies and uplift himself.
Having enough and not being greedy for excessively more, allows us to move towards the higher self.
As our Consciousness moves more in alignment with our Higher Self, we begin to vibrate at Higher Levels. 
We are not shaped by insecurities anymore. We feel more content, secure and peaceful. 
We feel closer to the Supreme Universal Consciousness known as ParamAatma.
                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Acharaya Rajneesh Ji once said middle to upper middle class is ideal for spiritual life. He said that both extremes of poverty and wealth make one lost as one is trying to survive and the other is intoxicated with Luxury.

  2. Rev. Rajan Sachdeva Ji we are very Glad to read Ur. lovely thoughts about We have Two Self . Thanks.
    Premjit Singh & Ms. Satwant Kaur .


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...