Saturday, April 6, 2019

Happy Indian New Year (Vikrami Samvat 2076)

Nav-Varsha Pratipada…  नव वर्ष प्रतिपद संवत 2076
The Indian (Hindu) New Year (Shaka Samvat 2076)

Every culture, religion, and community has its own calendar that starts on a different day of the year. Hindus, Jains, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists, all have their own calendars and a different "New Year's Day". 
However, the Gregorian or commonly known as western or Christian calendar is the most acknowledged international calendar and used all over the world. 
Since at one point in history, most of the world, including India was ruled and controlled by the European and Christian rulers, the ruled countries and colonies had to use the Gregorian calendar. For the sake of convenience, India continued using it even after it gained independence from the British rule.
Moreover, January 1st as the New Year's Day has been heavily commercialized by entrepreneurs and the media by selling cards and advertising parties and count down gatherings, etc. Nevertheless, many people all over the world; Indians**, Chinese, Egyptians, etc. still celebrate their own traditional New Year's Day also.

Whereas the New Year’s Day of Christian era (January 1st) is celebrated with eating, drinking and dancing joyfully in parties and exchanging fancy gifts, the traditional Hindu way of celebrating the New Year’s Day is quite different. 
Traditionally, the tender but bitter leaves of the Neem tree mixed with sweet Jaggery ** (Gurh) are distributed as Prasaadam (gift) on this occasion, which has a great symbolic meaning.
First, the Neem-Jaggery blend is offered to Ishwar (God) as Naivedya.
Then it is distributed among the family and friends as Prasaad (Gift).
This is one of the highest philosophical attitudes taught by the ancient Hindu spiritual masters.
The Neem, extremely bitter in taste, and Jaggery* sweet and delicious, signify the two conflicting aspects of human life —Joy and sorrow, success and failure, ecstasy and agony. 
It is a reminder that life is not always ‘Bitter’ or ‘Sweet’ all the time. It is a combination of the two, and so might be the coming New Year - a mixture of joy and sorrow. 

Although, Wishing "a happy new year" to all friends and families is a very positive thinking and a wishful gesture, however, this Indian tradition conveys more practical advice to the loved ones - and a reminder to ourselves as well.
By first offering this bitter-sweet blend to God and then accepting it as Prasaad, also has a symbolic meaning; of preparing ourselves to face, and, by the grace of God, accept whatever may happen in the future as 'Prasaad'*.
By exchanging the gift of this ‘bitter-sweet blend’ with friends and loved ones, we acknowledge that the relationships may also have some sweet and bitter moments - that by God’s grace can be accepted as part of life, and solved mutually. 
We usually tend to disregard the old traditions as ‘out of date’ or even nonsense, but if we try to understand them, we will find that many traditions have some deep and meaningful hidden messages.
                                     May God bless us all.
                                                       ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Varsha   pronounced as Varsh वर्ष  means  year
Pratipad  प्रतिपद means Tithi or Day

*Jaggery …..  गुड़  Chunks of raw sugar made from sugarcane. 
  Prasaad ........ Gift
** Even within India, Kashmiris, Punjabis, Gujaratis, Maharashtrians, Bengalis, and South Indians have their own calendars.

1 comment:

  1. After these extremely harsh last few years, it will be just nice to see things turn around for good and more so for all my near and dear ones. My happiness lies in theirs. If I could be the cause for someone to smile, I ask God to just make it happen.


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