Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What is Contentment?

What is Contentment?                                         
Contentment does not mean to be satisfied with whatever we have or don't have. 
It is hard to hold on to the ideology when hunger, sickness, and misery strikes. No one can be happy if the basic requirements for one's survival, such as food, water, shelter, etc. are not met. It's easy for those - who have more than what they need - to preach others to be content with whatever little they might have. It may work temporarily, for a little while with some people - but eventually, they begin to feel little restlessness again. 
So, I think it would be better to translate contentment as 'Knowing what is sufficient' and being content with it. 
It does not mean we should not try to earn more to improve our lifestyle. 
It means we should not become greedy and try to grab everything for ourselves - by misusing and exploiting others - especially the trusting poor folks. 
Once we have what we think would be sufficient for our requirements - and be content with it, we can move towards other realms of life - to live a more purposeful life than just making money and spending it on food, clothes, and luxury. We will be able to find and spare more time to achieve some higher goals - not just in physical but in the spiritual realms as well.  
                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Very nicely explained. Thank you as always.

  2. As it is said Contentment is being happy and thankful with what you have while striving for what you want.

  3. Nice article dear Rajan ji. I can't agree more that 'knowing what is sufficient' is key to one's state of contentment. The question that follows, however, is 'How' does one draw a line in his understanding of what is sufficient and what is greed?


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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