Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A Fakir crying in the market

A Fakir was crying standing in the market.
Someone asked, "why are you crying"?
The Fakir said he came there thinking of uniting people with Almighty God.
"Then, what happened?" The man asked.
Fakir said He (God) is agreeing, but the people are not.
God says that all they have to do is to come to me with love -
with Ashqe-nadaamat - the tears of remorse in their eyes and
I will forgive every sin of them and take them in my refuge. 
But people do not listen - they do not agree - that's why I am crying.
Next day that man saw the same faqir standing in a cemetery and crying.
The man asked what happened today?
Fakir said the issue is same as yesterday.
But today, these are agreeing, and He is not.
Rub (God) says that it is too late now.
Why didn't they come to me earlier? When there was time for them to realize and come to me?

That is why it is said, that now is the time to understand and to do what needs to be done.
              "Aachhe din paachhe gaye tab Hari syon kiyo na hait
               Ab pachhtaaye hot kya jab chidiyan chug gayin khait"
                                                                                  (Kabeer ji)
The good days are gone - did not have the love for God in the heart.
What good the remorse would do, when the birds have eaten or destroyed the whole field?                                               

                         Dar jawaani Tauba Karadan Sheva-e-Paigambareest
                         Waqtay Peeri gurg Zaalim meeshwad Parhezgaar
                                                                         (Sheikh Sa'di)
Wise people try to understand reality and do what is right when they are still young.
In the old age, even the cruel wolf becomes an abstainer.
Meaning when his teeth and nails are gone - get broken or become useless - When it does not have the power to hunt anymore - then if the wolf says that now he has become an abstainer - a spartan - that he has stopped killing - then what is the meaning of it?

                                   'Rajan Sachdev'


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...