Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Who is dishonest ?

There was a farmer in a village who used to sell milk, curd (yogurt) and butter.
Like usual, one day his wife gave him the butter she had made - in the form of round balls, each weighing one kilogram, and he went to the city to sell it.
In the city, the farmer sold the butter to the shopkeeper who was his regular customer – and bought tea leaves, sugar, and soap etc. from him.
After the farmer left, the shopkeeper put the butter balls in the freezer. Suddenly he thought that he had never weighed the butter that farmer brought to him every week. So, he picked up one ball of butter and placed it on the scale. It was 900 grams – not one kilogram. Surprised and disappointed, he tested all chunks of butter and they were all 900 grams each.
Next week, the farmer came with the butter as usual. As soon as he entered the shop, the shopkeeper screamed at him furiously: "You have been cheating me every week. You have been giving me 900-gram-balls of butter by saying they were one kilogram each. I do not want to do business with a dishonest and deceiving person like you.”
The farmer, very politely said to the shopkeeper, "My brother - do not be angry. You see - I do not have the weights of one Kilogram to weigh the goods on my scale. We are poor people. I did not have enough money to buy the new weights. Therefore, I place the one-kilogram bag of sugar I buy from you on one side of the scale and match it with the butter on the other side - and bring it for you.
The rich shopkeeper felt quite embarrassed when he realized that it’s he – himself, who is dishonest - not the poor farmer. 
He realized that whatever we give to others will come back to us…... 
           Whether it’s respect, love, honesty or dishonesty – truth or cheating ...!!


  1. good story. good lesson.
    thanks Rajan ji

  2. Dhan Nirankar Ji.
    Cheating or telling lies is considered as a normal practice by those who consider themselves superior than others. Such people feel proud on how they make a fool of others. But when their malpractices open up, they lose all his friends and try to hide from everyone with whom they are familiar, cause now they have a doubt in their mind that everyone knows about their character. What a depressing way to spend the remaining years of their valuable life, without having their honest friends around.
    Loves and Blessings.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...