Sunday, February 4, 2018

Lord Shiva's Third Eye

Lord Shiva is believed to have three eyes – third one in the middle of his forehead.  
The non-believers would wonder and might even laugh at this strange notion. 
In fact, we all have three eyes. 
The third eye of Lord Shiva is depicted in the middle of his forehead – the area where 
the frontal lobe – the most important part of the brain is situated. 
The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that controls important cognitive skills in 
humans, such as emotional expression, problem solving, memory, language and judgment etc. 
It is, in essence, the “control panel” of our personality and our ability to communicate and 
make decisions. It plays an important role in high-level mental functions or behavior and 
emotional control. 
The third eye is a metaphor of this important part of our brain; the frontal lobe – which 
contains all the memories, knowledge and wisdom. Without the frontal lobe; the third 
eye, we cannot function properly - nor we can make any decisions, solve problems or 
control emotions. 
So, metaphorically speaking – we all have three eyes.
Since the third eye is the window to our mind and intellect, it is very important that we keep 
it open. If this is closed, then most likely we would be functioning mechanically, according 
to our old beliefs and memories. We become slaves to our old habits if this window, the third 
eye is not open to the new ideas and concepts.
Sticking to the old ideas blindly, and refusing to accept the other’s point of view, creates divisions 
in societies. For centuries, different ideologies have divided the humanity over and over. 
The only way to bring harmony is to look through the third eye wisely – 
with an open and receptive mind. 
                             ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. Lovely clarification of the third eye . Thanks dear Rajan Ji .

  2. 🙏🙏 Thanks 🙏Rajan Ji for this eye 👁 opening (third one) explanation. It touched me.

  3. What an analysis? Must have researched for a very long time. Thanks.
    R M

  4. Very interesting! I often think about accessing Lord Shiva's third eye(sight). Thank you for sharing, Rajan Uncle. Dhan Nirankar Ji

  5. Dhan Nirankar Ji.
    Very interesting. There is a saying " You use it or Lose it" Universal Brotherhood - Sant Nirankari Mission helps us in using the power of our third EYE through the knowledge of God Existence (GYAN). Feel sorry for those who are still doubting this fact even after being blessed with the GYAN.
    Loves and Blessings.


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