Sunday, February 18, 2018

Appreciation and Criticism are equally problematic

While talking about the qualities of a Gyaani-Bhakta, Lord Krishna says:
                        समः शत्रौ च मित्रे च तथा मानापमानयोः 
                        शीतोष्ण सुखदुःखेषु समः सङ्गविवर्जितः  
                                                  भगवद गीता 12 /18 
             "Samah shatrau ch mitray ch tathaa maan-apmaanyoh
               Sheetoshna sukh-dukheshu samah sang-vivarjatah"
                                                        Bhagavad Geeta 12/18
He, who is same to foe and friend, and also in honor and dishonor, 
who is the same in cold and heat, in pleasure and pain, who is free from attachment. 

The same sentiments are echoed in the Gurubani by the ninth Guru:
                       सुख दुःख दोनों सम कर जानै, और मान अपमाना 
                        हरख सोग ते रहै अतीता तिनि जग ततु पछाना 
             "Sukh dukh dono sam kar jaanai, aur maan apamaanaa
              Harkh sog tay rahai ateeta,tini jag tat pachhanaa"
                                                                    (SGGS page 219)
(One who knows that pain and pleasure are both the same, and honor and dishonor as well
Who remains detached from joy and sorrow, realizes the true essence in the world.) 

Why all Holy Scriptures advise us to stay from the above mentioned sentiments?
Let's try to understand these human emotions separately and how they play important role in our lives - especially for the seekers of spirituality. 
First: let's take the sentiments of Maan and Apamaan - mentioned in the above phrases from both scriptures; the Bhagavad Geeta and the Gurubani. 
Seemingly meek and the mildest of all the above, the sentiments of Maan and Apamaan; Respect and disrespect- appreciation and criticism – honor and dishonor - approval and disapproval or admiration and condemnation are equally - or perhaps more problematic, and can affect the Gyanis; the wise ones as well. 
Favors, praises, approvals, admiration and honors lift us up - while criticism, disapproval, disgrace and condemnation knock us down. 
In fact, either one of these sentiments depends on the opinions of others. If we depend on the approval and disapproval of others then our happiness and sadness would also depend on others. 
When our state of mind is affected by other's admiration or criticism then we lose our equilibrium.
It causes us to depart from our center. 
                              'Rajan Sachdeva'
                                          'To be continued'


  1. Very true if a saint accepts this, normally every saint lives in this materialistic world, don’t follow this. Based on the situation time to time our behavior, attitude and actions change.
    Dhan Nirankar Ji

  2. You are right Devinder ji. It is hard to live in this materialistic world and be unattached and unaffected. But with practice it's possible to live with less attachments and keeping these sentiments away - at least up to certain extent - by keeping the Gyan and this ideology in mind.

  3. It reminds me a quote something like, ustat ninda doun tyago khojo padd nirmana.

  4. Thank you Ravinder Shandil Ji
    The Gurubani verse you mentioned is from the next 2 lines of the same shabad and it is so:
    Ustat Ninda douu tyagai -khojai pad nirbaana
    Jan Nanak ehu khel kathin hai kinhu gurmukh jaana

  5. Very well defined. Even the fifth pledge of our mission emphasise the same that’s saving us from spiritual ego.
    It reminds me lines of a devotional song:-

    “जे लोक सराहन तेरी बढाई,
    जे निंदे ता तेनु ना पूलावा”


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...