Saturday, February 3, 2018

What is Detachment

Detachment does not mean being indifferent and performing every action without love or caring. It means not expecting anything in return. It means performing the right actions regardless of their outcomes – favorable or unfavorable - good or bad - success or failure.
As Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Geeta:                         
                 Yogasthah kuru karmaani sangam tyaktvaa dhananjaya
                 Sidhasidhyoh samo bhutvaa samatvam yog uchyate
"O' Arjun! Fixed in Yoga, do thy work by abandoning attachment - With an even mind in success and failure - for evenness of mind is called yoga".   (Bhagavad Geeta  2-48)

One good example of 'detachment' can be loving and taking care of the children – providing them whatever they need, purely out of love and affection. Without any selfish motive – without the intention that someday they will return the favor and take care of us in our old age.
Similarly, children taking care of their parents and elders - lovingly – knowing that they will never be able to return this favor.
Some people think that detachment mean that we should not love our children or parents - and simply perform our duties towards them mechanically. That would be a wrong interpretation of the scriptures. No good and selfless action can be performed without love. It is love that makes us sacrifice our own desires and comforts to take care of others. 
Someone might say that love means attachment. 
Is love attachment? 
It would be if there is any kind of expectation attached.
Even the expectation that 'this would last forever' - becomes attachment - and it would hurt if it does not. 
So, not the love - but the expectation is the cause of attachment – whether it’s with people, objects or actions.                                                                           'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Beautiful explanation! To use just the right words is very important. Guruji, you are one of the best. You start where Purisaab left it.
    Dhan Nirankar!

  2. It’s wonderful thought, Rajan Ji. At the end of the last paragraph can we put the last line as Whether it’s with people, objects, actions or any result thereof. ????

  3. Dhan Nirankar & Namaskar Ji.
    A topic that everyone talks about but never follows when it comes to their own children, business & social relations. By deeply understanding the hidden meaning in your explanation, everyone can live a peaceful and a cool life without getting angry when certain matters do not meet their expectations.
    Loves and Blessings.

  4. Thank you for sharing Rajan Ji......Dhan Nirankar Ji

  5. Very well explained ��


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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