Saturday, February 10, 2018

Some Great Lessons from Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads

Some great lessons to live a better, happier and satisfying life – 
from Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads:

What I have - does not belong to me.
Though it might be a part of me.

Everything I have, was given to me by the Creator*- 
to be shared with those who enter my life in some way.

Nobody crosses our path accidentally.
And we do not enter the life of others without reason.

There is much to give and to receive.
Much to learn, from positive or negative experiences.

Remember that everything that happens to us and around us –
happens for a reason. 

The intent - that negative things also happen for some reason 
makes us cope and resolve the situation in a better way.

'Expectation' is the cause of resentments, bitterness and sufferings. 
Perform your actions to the best of your abilities and accept the outcome 
- good or bad - with equanimity.

Do not grieve for what happened. 

Complaining and protesting will not do you any good, 
rather it will cover your eyes to see your path clearly. 

The Truth which is covered with ‘Agyana’ – the false knowledge or intent 
– makes the situation more difficult and the life more miserable. 

Try to move on with good intentions - by leaving the past behind. 
                          'Rajan Sachdeva'

* Creator, God, Nature, Universe or Higher power ...... We can give whatever name we prefer.


  1. A wonderful summary. Thank you, Uncle Ji, for sharing your beautiful and concise thoughts. Dhan Nirankar Ji.

  2. Rajan Ji always brings the hidden Diamonds out for our benefit. Thanks to him that we have started to understand the life as a whole better.
    Thank you and Dhan Nirankar Ji.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...