Monday, February 5, 2018

We All Have Three Eyes

                     We all have three eyes.
Two for looking out and one for looking in. 
Look inwards with the 'Third Eye'.
Why would we want to look 'in-side' when everything is happening ‘out there’? 
Because the treasure we seek is inside, not outside. 
That treasure is: Truth, Freedom, Peace and Happiness.
We already have what we are seeking. 
We are not human beings searching for divine experience.
We are, in fact, divine beings having human experience.
We are peaceful and loving beings by nature. 
Why don’t we feel it? 
Simple - because we never look inwards.
Beyond superficial memories or recent experiences of the present life, 
we never try to see the riches and capabilities of our own mind. 
Try to pause for a moment. 
Take a moment to stop the flashes of past memories, and thoughts of future. 
Relax…... and look inside.
But Do not rush... Do not search.  
Just look – 
And be aware of the ‘emptiness’ within you. 
Suddenly you will find yourself at peace. 
It might be momentarily – 
But the frequency and duration of such moments can be increased with practice.
All we need to do is to sit and relax …… and think of ‘Nothing’.                  
                                   'Rajan Sachdeva'

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