Saturday, February 24, 2018

Life is not a straight journey

Life is not always like a straight journey on a smooth and clear paved road covered with roses. Sometimes it’s a bumpy road with lots of ups and downs. Sometimes it may move smoothly and sometimes we may even hit some speed-breakers. Every turn and diversion along the way is not always predictable.

Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow, we must fail in order to know, and sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears.

But one thing is for sure, that the life always keeps moving forward. 
It neither stops nor does it move backwards; until the final stop called death. 
Even death is not the final stop either. 
All religions and most people believe in some kind of after life - either on this earth or in the heaven.  

Giving up the effort to reach the goal would be the biggest obstacle. If we keep moving forward with hope and courage, we can remove all hurdles and obstacles and clear the path ahead of us. We could even take a slight diversion to reach to the destination - as long as we don't get distracted and lose the vision.  
Keeping an eye on the goal and keep moving forward is the key.

“Seek and ye shall find” 
“Knock and the door shall be opened unto you” (Mathew 7:7)           
"Agaahan koo hi trangh- pichhe pher na modhada". ( Gurbani )       
  (Keep moving forward - Do not turn backward)
                      ‘Rajan Sachdeva’ 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Self Appraisal

A little boy went to a telephone booth which was next to the cash counter inside a store and dialed a number.
The store-owner, who was standing by,​observed and listened to the conversation.

Boy: “Ma’am, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?
Lady: (at the other end of the phone line) “I already have someone to cut my lawn.”
Boy: “Ma’am, I will cut your lawn for half the price than the person who cuts your lawn now.”
Lady: I’m very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn.
Boy: (with more perseverance) “Ma’am, I’ll even sweep the floor of your house for free.
Lady: No, thank you. I am very happy with my current service.

With a smile on his face, the little boy ended the call.  
The store-owner, who was listening to the conversation, walked over to the boy and said, “Son, I like your attitude. I like your positive spirit and persuasiveness. I would like to offer you a job.”
Boy: “No thanks.
Store Owner: But you were really pleading to get the job.
Boy: No Sir, I was just checking my performance at the job I already have.
    I am the one who is working for that lady I was talking to!” 

                        * This is called self-appraisal*

This story reminds me of some of the great kings in the old Indian history, who occasionally used to go in public areas disguised as ordinary people to see if the common people of their kingdom were happy and satisfied under their rule. They would meet especially with poor farmers and laborers to learn how as a ruler they could help improve their situation. Often, they would send their trusted ministers and advisers to do the same, who would bring an honest report back to the king.
These great kings, were not just the rulers. They genuinely tried to fulfill their responsibility of improving the lives of their subjects and general conditions of their kingdom. 

The purpose of the power is to fulfill certain responsibilities.
Great are the people who, after achieving power, do not forget their responsibilities. 
Give your best and the world will respect you.

Monday, February 19, 2018

प्रोफेसर और नाविक

एक विद्वान प्रोफेसर साहिब एक नौका में  यात्रा कर रहे थे।
उन्होंने सोचा कि समय बिताने  के लिए क्यों न नाविक के साथ कुछ वार्तालाप किया जाए ?
ऐसा सोच कर उन्हों ने नाविक से पूछा "क्या तुमने कभी खगोल विज्ञान का अध्ययन किया है ?" 
नाविक  ने उत्तर दिया, "नहीं साहिब "
"फिर तो तुमने अपने जीवन का एक चौथाई हिस्सा व्यर्थ गंवा दिया। 
नक्षत्रों को पढ़ने से, उनकी दिशा को देखते हुए  एक कुशल कप्तान पूरे विश्व में नेविगेट कर सकता है"
कुछ मिनट बाद प्रोफेसर ने फिर पूछा:
"क्या तुमने मौसम विज्ञान का अध्ययन किया है?"
नाविक - "नहीं साहिब " 
प्रोफेसर ने कहा, "तब तो तुमने अपना आधा जीवन ही व्यर्थ गंवा दिया। 
"हवा को व्यवस्थित रुप से - सही ढंग से बादबान में संचालित करके एक कुशल नाविक अपनी नाव की गति बढ़ा सकता है।"

थोड़ी देर के बाद प्रोफेसर ने फिर पूछा :
"क्या तुमने सागर विज्ञान पढ़ा है?"
नाविक : "नहीं सर, मुझे इसके बारे में कोई ज्ञान नहीं है।"
प्रोफेसर: "आह! अगर तुमने इसका भी ज्ञान प्राप्त नहीं किया तो तुमने अपनी तिहाई ज़िंदगी को बर्बाद कर लिया - 
जो लोग महासागर की धाराओं के बारे में जानते हैं, वो आसानी से समंदर में अपना रास्ता ढूंढ सकते हैं "
"महोदय! क्या मै आपसे एक प्रश्न कर सकता हूँ ? नाविक ने कहा
"क्या आप को 'तरनौलोजी' का ज्ञान है?
"वो क्या होती है? मैंने इसके बारे में कभी सुना भी नहीं" 
प्रोफेसर ने कहा।
नाविक - " तरनौलोजी - यानी तैरने की कला"
"नहीं भाई -  मैंने कभी तैरना नहीं सीखा -  प्रोफेसर ने जवाब दिया।

"प्रोफेसर साहिब ! फिर तो आपने अपना पूरा जीवन ही बर्बाद कर लिया - 
क्योंकि नाव डूब रही है और मैं तो तैर कर किनारे पर जा रहा हूँ - 
आप अपने प्राण स्वयं संभालिये "
 यह कह कर नाविक छलांग लगा कर पानी में कूद गया।

अपने नियमों और मानदण्डों के आधार पर दूसरों की परीक्षा या मूल्यांकन न करें - और न ही अपने हिसाब से उनके बारे में कोई विचारधारा बनाएं।
हो सकता है कि वो कुछ ऐसा जानते हों जिस का ज्ञान आपके पास न हो।
                           "राजन सचदेव "

Professor and the Boatman

A learned professor was traveling on a ferryboat. 
He decided to strike a conversation with the boatman:
"Have you ever studied astronomy?" asked the professor.
"I can't say that I have," answered the boatman.
"Then you have wasted a quarter of your life. By reading the constellations, 
a skilled captain can navigate a ship around the entire globe."
A few minutes later the professor asked, 
"Have you ever studied meteorology (weather forecasting)?"
"No, I have not." Answered the boatman.
"Well, then, you have wasted half of your life," the professor said. 
"Methodically capturing the wind can propel a sailing ship at astounding speeds."
After a little while the professor inquired again, 
"Have you ever studied oceanography?"
Boatman: "No sir. I have not."
Professor: "Ah! You have wasted almost three quarters of your life. 
You know awareness of the ocean’s currents helped many ancient peoples 
find food and shelter."
 “Sir! Can I ask you one question? The boatman said
"Have you ever studied ‘Swimology? 
“what is that? Never heard of it.” The professor said.
Boatman: “Swimology – the art of swimming” 
“No, I have never learned how to swim.” The professor replied.
“Well, My dear sir! In that case you have wasted your whole life. 
Because the boat is sinking and I am going to swim out of here. 
You are on your own now.” Saying this, the boatman jumped out of the boat. 

Moral: Never judge others with your own standards. 
             They might know somethings that you may not. 
                                               “Rajan Sachdeva”

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Appreciation and Criticism are equally problematic

While talking about the qualities of a Gyaani-Bhakta, Lord Krishna says:
                        समः शत्रौ च मित्रे च तथा मानापमानयोः 
                        शीतोष्ण सुखदुःखेषु समः सङ्गविवर्जितः  
                                                  भगवद गीता 12 /18 
             "Samah shatrau ch mitray ch tathaa maan-apmaanyoh
               Sheetoshna sukh-dukheshu samah sang-vivarjatah"
                                                        Bhagavad Geeta 12/18
He, who is same to foe and friend, and also in honor and dishonor, 
who is the same in cold and heat, in pleasure and pain, who is free from attachment. 

The same sentiments are echoed in the Gurubani by the ninth Guru:
                       सुख दुःख दोनों सम कर जानै, और मान अपमाना 
                        हरख सोग ते रहै अतीता तिनि जग ततु पछाना 
             "Sukh dukh dono sam kar jaanai, aur maan apamaanaa
              Harkh sog tay rahai ateeta,tini jag tat pachhanaa"
                                                                    (SGGS page 219)
(One who knows that pain and pleasure are both the same, and honor and dishonor as well
Who remains detached from joy and sorrow, realizes the true essence in the world.) 

Why all Holy Scriptures advise us to stay from the above mentioned sentiments?
Let's try to understand these human emotions separately and how they play important role in our lives - especially for the seekers of spirituality. 
First: let's take the sentiments of Maan and Apamaan - mentioned in the above phrases from both scriptures; the Bhagavad Geeta and the Gurubani. 
Seemingly meek and the mildest of all the above, the sentiments of Maan and Apamaan; Respect and disrespect- appreciation and criticism – honor and dishonor - approval and disapproval or admiration and condemnation are equally - or perhaps more problematic, and can affect the Gyanis; the wise ones as well. 
Favors, praises, approvals, admiration and honors lift us up - while criticism, disapproval, disgrace and condemnation knock us down. 
In fact, either one of these sentiments depends on the opinions of others. If we depend on the approval and disapproval of others then our happiness and sadness would also depend on others. 
When our state of mind is affected by other's admiration or criticism then we lose our equilibrium.
It causes us to depart from our center. 
                              'Rajan Sachdeva'
                                          'To be continued'

Saturday, February 17, 2018

In the Empty Space

Collect thirty spokes on a single hub.
In the empty space the usefulness lies.

Form a bowl from lumps of clay.
In the empty space the usefulness lies.

Frame your house with walls and doors.
In the empty space the usefulness lies.

So: Advantage comes from what is there 
Usefulness comes from ​- ​what is not.
                    ' Tao'    (From Unknown Source)

Friday, February 16, 2018

Mind and Body are Deeply Connected

Mind and body are deeply connected to each other. 
If one becomes weak or sick, the other also gets affected by it. Both have to be healthy and in harmony to enjoy a happy and comfortable life. A too old or a sick person sitting behind the steering wheel of a brand new high-power racing car with a turbo engine may not be able to handle it properly. He would still be slow. 
Similarly, a young energetic and enthusiastic driver cannot do much with a low power old and broken car. In both cases, there will be frustration. 
If the mind is frustrated, depressed and full of anger and hatred, then the body will also get affected and become sick. 
And when the body is weak and sick, and experiencing a lot of pain, the mind also cannot be at peace. It also becomes restless and may not be able to think straight. 
A happy and content mind in a strong and healthy body equals a happy and peaceful life.  
It would be an ideal situation if we have the mind and body in perfect shape and harmony all the time. But we all know that the life is not like a straight, smooth and perfectly paved, clear road. We all go through so many ups and downs in life; physically and mentally. We all face so many different situations every day. As humans, we are bound to get affected by them and according to the situation, we experience happiness and sadness. At one moment, we become overly jealous and anxious, while frustrated, angry and depressed at another. When we lose the equilibrium; when the balance is disturbed, we become restless and the life becomes ‘unhappy’.

What are we supposed to do? 
In many cases, we may not have much control over the body. We may come in contact with some virus and become sick. The body may become weak or get damaged because of some serious illness or accident. These and many other circumstances are beyond our control. But with practice, we can have control over the mind. If the mind is stable and does not lose its equilibrium, it can help the body to handle the pain and gain strength. It may even be able to heal some physical ailments. 
Baba Avtar Singh ji used to say:   
“Just like a strong horse can pull an old and broken cart even through the mud - a strong mind can also pull through an old and weak body even in adverse circumstances*”

                          ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

* जैसे एक तगड़ा घोड़ा इक पुरानी और टूटी फूटी गाड़ी को कीचड़ में से भी किसी तरह खींच कर ले ही जाता है उसी तरह एक शांत - ध्यान और सुमिरन में जुड़ा हुआ मन भी अपनी ताक़त से एक पुराने और कमज़ोर शरीर को संभाले रख सकता है " (बाबा अवतार सिंह जी)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

ऐसो को जग महिं जन नाहीं - There is no one in this world -

ऐसो को जग महिं जन नाहीं 
प्रभुता पाए जासु मद नाहीं !!
        "तुलसी दास - राम चरित मानस"

There is no one in this world -
who does not become egotistic after acquiring power.  
                                   " Ram Charit Maanas by Sant Tulasi Das"

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Who is dishonest ?

There was a farmer in a village who used to sell milk, curd (yogurt) and butter.
Like usual, one day his wife gave him the butter she had made - in the form of round balls, each weighing one kilogram, and he went to the city to sell it.
In the city, the farmer sold the butter to the shopkeeper who was his regular customer – and bought tea leaves, sugar, and soap etc. from him.
After the farmer left, the shopkeeper put the butter balls in the freezer. Suddenly he thought that he had never weighed the butter that farmer brought to him every week. So, he picked up one ball of butter and placed it on the scale. It was 900 grams – not one kilogram. Surprised and disappointed, he tested all chunks of butter and they were all 900 grams each.
Next week, the farmer came with the butter as usual. As soon as he entered the shop, the shopkeeper screamed at him furiously: "You have been cheating me every week. You have been giving me 900-gram-balls of butter by saying they were one kilogram each. I do not want to do business with a dishonest and deceiving person like you.”
The farmer, very politely said to the shopkeeper, "My brother - do not be angry. You see - I do not have the weights of one Kilogram to weigh the goods on my scale. We are poor people. I did not have enough money to buy the new weights. Therefore, I place the one-kilogram bag of sugar I buy from you on one side of the scale and match it with the butter on the other side - and bring it for you.
The rich shopkeeper felt quite embarrassed when he realized that it’s he – himself, who is dishonest - not the poor farmer. 
He realized that whatever we give to others will come back to us…... 
           Whether it’s respect, love, honesty or dishonesty – truth or cheating ...!!

बेईमान कौन ?

एक गाँव में एक किसान रहता था जो दूध से दही और मक्खन बनाकर बेचने का काम करता था। 
हमेशा की तरह, एक दिन बीवी ने उसे मक्खन तैयार करके दिया और वो उसे बेचने के लिए शहर चला गया।   
वो मक्खन गोल पेढ़ो की शकल मे बना हुआ था और हर पेढ़े का वज़न एक किलोग्राम था। 
शहर जा कर  किसान ने उस मक्खन को हमेशा की तरह एक दुकानदार को बेच दिया,और दुकानदार से चायपत्ती,चीनी,तेल और साबुन वगैरह खरीदकर वापस अपने गाँव को रवाना हो गया। 
किसान के जाने के बाद - दुकानदार ने जब मक्खन को  फ्रीज़र में रखना शुरू किया तो अचानक उसे खयाल आया के क्यूँ ना एक पेढ़े का वज़न किया जाए।  वज़न करने पर पेढ़ा सिर्फ 900 ग्राम का निकला।  हैरत और निराशा से उसने सारे पेढ़े तोल डाले मगर किसान के लाए हुए सभी पेढ़े 900-900 ग्राम के ही निकले।
अगले हफ्ते किसान हमेशा की तरह मक्खन लेकर जैसे ही दुकानदार की दहलीज़ पर चढ़ा तो दुकानदार ने किसान से चिल्लाते हुए कहा: दफा हो जा, किसी बे-ईमान और धोखेबाज़ शख्स से कारोबार करना मुझे पसंद नहीं। तुम हमेशा  900 ग्राम मक्खन को एक किलो कहकर मुझे दे जाते हो।  ये धोखे का व्यापर तुम किसी और के साथ करना - मुझसे नहीं । 
किसान ने बड़ी ही विनम्रता से दुकानदार से कहा "मेरे भाई - नाराज ना हो। मेरे पास माल तोलने के लिए एक किलो के बट्टे नहीं हैं। हम गरीब लोग हैं। नए बट्टे खरीदने की हैसियत नहीं है। इसलिए आपसे जो एक किलो चीनी लेकर जाता हूँ उसी को तराज़ू के एक पलड़े मे रखकर दूसरे पलड़े मे उतने ही वज़न का मक्खन तोलकर आपके लिए ले आता हूँ।
सेठ समझ गया कि बेईमान वो ग़रीब किसान नहीं - बल्कि  स्वयं है। अपनी ग़लती और बेईमानी का एहसास होने पर वह बहुत शर्मिंदा हुआ और समझ गया कि....... 
             जो हम दुसरो को देंगे वहीं लौट कर हमारे आयेगा ......  
             चाहे वो इज्जत हो , सम्मान हो, प्यार हो  या फिर धोखा...!!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Zhao Zi Hao

Zhao Zi Hao made it big in business so he spent money buying a piece of land in the suburbs and built a three-story villa. 
He had an impressive swimming pool in the garden with a hundred-year-old Lychee Tree in the backyard to boot. In fact, he bought the property precisely because of this tree. His wife loved eating Lychees. 
During renovations, his friends urged him to get guidance from a Fengshui master, just to tread on the side of caution. 
Zhao Zi Hao's never quite believed in Fengshui yet surprising he took the advice to heart and went out of his way to engage a Fengshui master from Hong Kong. The Grand Master was none other than Master Cao who's been in the profession for thirty years, renowned in the Fengshui circle. They had a meal in the city then Zhao Zi Hao drove the Master to the suburbs.
Along the way, when cars behind them tried to overtake, Zhao Zi Hao would simply give way.
The Master laughingly remarked: "Big Boss Zhao, your driving is really safe."
Zhao Zi Hao laughed at the remark: “Usually people who need to overtake have some urgent matter to attend to, so we shouldn't hold them up.
Arriving at a small town the streets grew narrow and so Zhao Zi Hao slowed down.
A giggling child suddenly darted out from an alley and as the child ran across the street, Zhao still didn't speed up. Instead, he kept his gaze on the alley, as if waiting for something. Out of the blue, another child darted out, chasing after the child ahead. 
Master Cao was surprised and asked: “How did you know there'd be another child following suit?” 
Zhao Zi Hao shrugged: “Well, kids are always chasing after each other so it's impossible for a child to be in such glee without a playmate.” 
Master Cao gave him a big thumbs up and laughed out loud: “That's really considerate of you!”
Arriving at the Villa, they got down from the car. Suddenly about seven to eight birds flocked from the backyard. Seeing so, Zhao said to Master Cao: “If you don't mind please wait here for a little while.”
“What's the matter?" Master Cao asked.
"Oh, there's probably some kids stealing Lychees in the backyard. If we walk in now we might give them a fright, let's not risk anyone falling off the old Lychee Tree." Zhao replied humorously. 
Master Cao stayed silent for a while before stating matter-of-factly:
“This home doesn't need a fengshui evaluation anymore.”
Now it's Zhao's turn to be shocked: “Why's that?”
“Any place graced with your presence naturally becomes the property with the most auspicious Fengshui.”
When our minds prioritize others’ peace and happiness, the one who benefits is not just others, but ourselves too. 
When a person is considerate of others at all times, then this person has unconsciously accomplished Buddha-hood.

इस में दोज़ख भी है जन्नत भी Dozakh bhi hai Jannat bhi

बाहम  - इक मुख़्तसर से दिल में हैं शादी व् ग़म दोनों
ये छोटा सा मकान और इस में दोज़ख भी है जन्नत भी

Baaham ek mukhtasar say dil mein hain shaadi-wo-gham dono
Yeh chhota sa makaan aur is mein dozakh bhi hai jannat bhi

                                                                                                                           (Writer - Unknown)

In brief – both share the space in heart together – pleasures as well as sorrows.
It's such a small house, and in it, both are present – hell as well as heaven.

               In other words, Heaven and hell are not out there - somewhere up in the sky. 
They are right here - in our mind - how we perceive and react to events and situations.

Baaham               Together

Mukhtasar           Brief, in short
Shaadi                  Pleasure
Gham                    Saorrow
Dozakh                 Hell
Jannat                  Heaven

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Between Birth and Death

Between their births and their deaths -
Three out of ten are attached to life
Three out of ten are attached to death
Three out of ten are just idly passing through.

Only one knows how to die and stay dead - and still go on living.
That one has not any ambitions, has not any ideas, makes no plans. 

From this mysterious place of not-knowing and non-doing ...
he gives birth to whatever is needed in the moment. 
Because he is constantly filling his being with non-being ... 
He can travel the wilds without worrying about tigers or wild buffalo, 
or he can cross a battlefield without armor or weapon.
No tiger can claw him. No buffalo can gore him. No weapon can pierce him.
Why is this so? 
Because he has already died, there isn't any more room for death in him.
                                                                  Tao (Taoism)
                                                             ( from an unknown source )

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Some Great Lessons from Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads

Some great lessons to live a better, happier and satisfying life – 
from Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads:

What I have - does not belong to me.
Though it might be a part of me.

Everything I have, was given to me by the Creator*- 
to be shared with those who enter my life in some way.

Nobody crosses our path accidentally.
And we do not enter the life of others without reason.

There is much to give and to receive.
Much to learn, from positive or negative experiences.

Remember that everything that happens to us and around us –
happens for a reason. 

The intent - that negative things also happen for some reason 
makes us cope and resolve the situation in a better way.

'Expectation' is the cause of resentments, bitterness and sufferings. 
Perform your actions to the best of your abilities and accept the outcome 
- good or bad - with equanimity.

Do not grieve for what happened. 

Complaining and protesting will not do you any good, 
rather it will cover your eyes to see your path clearly. 

The Truth which is covered with ‘Agyana’ – the false knowledge or intent 
– makes the situation more difficult and the life more miserable. 

Try to move on with good intentions - by leaving the past behind. 
                          'Rajan Sachdeva'

* Creator, God, Nature, Universe or Higher power ...... We can give whatever name we prefer.

Friday, February 9, 2018

आँखे तालाब नहीं, फिर भी भर आती हैं ! Aankhen talaab nahin, phir bhi bhar aati hain

 कमाल है ...
आँखे तालाब नहीं, फिर भी, भर आती हैं !
तमन्नाएँ जिस्म नहीं फिर भी मर जाती हैं  !

होंठ कपड़ा नहीं , फिर भी, सिल जाते हैं !
दुःख कोई मांगता नहीं , फिर भी मिल जाते हैं !

किस्मत सखी नहीं, फिर भी, रुठ जाती है !
हिम्मत  लाठी नहीं, फिर भी टूट जाती है  !

बुद्वि लोहा नहीं, फिर भी, जंग लग जाती है !
मेहनत हिना तो नहीं फिर भी रंग लाती  है  !

दुश्मनी बीज नही, फिर भी, बोयी जाती है  !
आस दौलत तो नहीं फिर भी खोई जाती है  !

आत्म-सम्मान शरीर नहीं, फिर भी घायल हो जाता है !
और इन्सान मौसम तो नही, फिर भी बदल जाता है !
  कमाल है  ना  ?

Kamaal hai.....
Aankhen talaab nahin, phir bhi bhar aati hain 
Tamannayen jism nahin phir bhi mar jaati hain

Honth kapdaa nahin phir bhi sil jaatay hain
Dukh koi maangtaa nahin phir bhi mil jaatay hain 

Kismat sakhi nahin - phir bhi rooth jaati hai
Himmat laathi nahin phir bhi toot jaati hai

Buddhi lohaa nahin, phir bhi isay jang lag jaati hai 
Mehnat hinaa to nahin - phir bhi ye rang laati hai

Dushmani beej nahin - phir bhi boyi jaati hai
Aas daulat to nahin - phir bhi khoyi jaati hai 

Aatm-sammaan shreer nahin - phir bhi ghaayal ho jata hai
Aur insaan mausam to nahin - phir bhi badal jaata hai
Kamaal hai na?

Jang         =       Rust
Aatm-sammaan   =  Self-Pride, Self-confidence 

डर मुझे भी लगा Dar mujhe bhi lagaa

डर मुझे भी लगा फ़ासला देख कर 
पर मैं बढ़ता गया  रास्ता देख कर 
ख़ुद बख़ुद मेरे नज़दीक आती गई 
मेरी मंज़िल मेरा हौसला देख कर 

Dar mujhe bhi lagaa faaslaa dekh kar
Par main badhtaa gayaa raasta dekh kar
Khud bakhud mere nazdeek aati gayi
Meri manzil mera hauslaa dekh kar

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Love is Stronger than Death

There are things we don’t want to know - but have to learn. 
There are things that we don’t want to happen - but they happen and we have to accept.
And there are people we don't want to live without - but have to let go. 
It is said that Love is stronger than death - even though it can’t stop death from happening.
But no matter how hard death tries - it can not separate people from love. 
It can not take away the memories either. 
Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love - the things you never want to lose.
                         "In the end, love is stronger than death"

(In the memory of dear 'Renu' - a loving soul who departed on this day a year ago)

है कोई भूला मन समझावै Hai Koi Bhoolaa Man Samjhaavai

है कोई भूला मन समझावै। 
एह मन चंचल चोर पाहरू छूटा हाथ ना आवै 

जोड़ जोड़ धन ओड़े घोड़े वहां कोई लैन न पावै 

कंठ कपाल आन यम घेरे - दे दे सैन बतावै 

खोटा दाम गाँठ लिए दौड़त बड़ी बड़ी वस्तु मिलावै 
बोए बबूल दाख फल चाहत सो फल कैसे पावै

हरि की कृपा साधु की संगत एह दोय मत बिसरावै। 

कहत कबीर सुनो भई साधो बहुरि न भवजल आवै 
Hai koi bhoolaa man samjhaavai
Eh man chanchal chor paahru, Chhootaa haath na aavai

Jod jod dhan oday ghoday vahaan koi lain na paavai
Kanth kapaal aan yam ghere - day day sain bataavai 

Khotaa daam gaanth liye daudat, badi badi vastu milaavai
Boye babool daakh phal chahat, so phal kaise paavai

Hari ki kripa saadhu ki sangat - eh doye mat bisraavai
Kehat 'Kabeer' suno bhai saadho bahuri na bhav-jal aavai 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

We Eat What We Cook

Fate or future is not a restaurant that we will get whatever we order.
It's like our own kitchen - in our own home.
We will get what we have cooked.
If you want good food then get into the habit of cooking good food - with good ingredients.
                       "Mange daakh bijauriyaan - kikkar beejaye jatt 
                         Handay  oon  kataenda - paanda lode patt"
How can it be that a farmer sows the seeds of a pine tree and expects to get grapes?
Or weaving an old wool – old sweater or blanket and desiring to get a silk shawl from it.
Whatever seeds you sow, that is the fruit you will reap.
Whatever you give – That is what you will get back.
Whatever the past and present deeds are – 
The same kind of fate or the future will it be. 

                   'Rajan Sachdev'

हमें वही मिलता है जो हमने पकाया है। (with Roman Script)

भाग्य या भविष्य कोई रेस्टोरेंट नहीं है कि हम जो भी ऑर्डर करेंगे वो मिल जाएगा। 
यह तो अपने घर - अपनी रसोई की तरह है - 
हमें वही मिलेगा जो हमने पकाया है। 
अगर अच्छा खाना चाहते हैं तो अच्छा पकाने की आदत डालें। 
                         "मँगे दाख बिजौरियाँ - किक्कर बीजे जट्ट 
                           हंडे  ऊन  कताएँदा - पांदा लोड़े पट्ट" 
ये कैसे हो सकता है कि एक किसान किक्कर का बीज बो कर उस से अँगूर का फल माँगे।
या कोई  पुराने ऊन - पुराने स्वैटर या कँबल कात कर उसमें से रेशम की चादर प्राप्त करने की इच्छा करे। 
जैसा बीज बोएँगे वैसा ही फल पाएँगे। 
जो देंगे - वही वापिस मिलेगा। 
जैसे कर्म करेंगे वैसा ही भाग्य - यानी भविष्य बनेगा। 
                                                       ' राजन सचदेव '
                     Hamen vahee miltaa hai jo hum nay pakaaya hai.

Bhaagy ya bhavishya koyi restaurant nahin hai ki ham jo bhee order karenge vo mil jayega. 
yeh to apnay ghar - apanee rasoyi kee tarah hai - 
hamen vahee milega jo ham nay pakaaya hai. 
agar achhaa khaana chaahtay hain to achhaa pakaane kee aadat daalen. 
                      "Mange daakh bijauriyaan - kikkar beejaye jatt 
                        Handay  oon  kataenda - paanda lode patt"
ye kaise ho sakta hai ki ek kisaan kikkar ka beej bo kar us se angoor ka phal maangay.
ya koyi  puraanay oon - puraane sweater ya kambal kaat kar us may say resham kee chaadar 
praapt karnay kee ichchha karay. 
Jaisa beej boenge vaisa hee phal payenge. 
Jo denge - vahee vaapis milega. 
Jaisay karm karenge vaisa hee bhaagya - yaanee bhavishya banega. 
                    'Rajan Sachdev'

Sukh kya hai, ik Parchhaayi hai

Sukh kya hai, ik parchhaayi hai
ye haath kisee ke na aayi hai
Mutthee me rait bharee jaise,
kholen to khaali paayi hai
Sukh kya hai, ik parchhaayi hai

Kya ho jaana dhan-vaan hai sukh ?
Rishtay naatay santaan hai sukh ?
ya mahal makaan dukaan hai sukh ?
kya sukh ke ye saamaan hai sukh ?
phir inako paakar kay bhee kyon ?
oopar tak jaakar ke bhee kyon ?
lagata hai kuchh nahin paaya hai 
Aslee sukh abhee bakaaya hai 
ik jhalak nazar to aayi hai 
par haath me kuchh na aaya hai 
jab say hee hosh sambhaala hai
ik lambee daud lagaayi hai
is sukh ko paane kee khaatir
Raaton kee neend gavaayi hai
Sukh kya hai ik parchhaayi hai

Hai aas us kee jo paas nahin 
jo paas us ka ehsaas nahin
jab tak ruktay ye svaas nahin
bujhne vaalee ye pyaas nahin
trishna ne bahut daudaaya hai
tarsaaya hai tadpaaya hai
kuchh paane kee is havas mein to
jo paas hai vo bhee ganvaaya hai
aankhon me nashtar kee bhaanti
kyon chubhta hai doojay ka sukh
kyoon dekh ke us kee khush-haali 
Sukh apna ban jaata hai dukh 
ye tulna chaltee aayi hai
chaahay shatru hai chaahay bhayi hai
saanjhe daaree hai nahin  is mein  
har insaan ek ikaayi hai
Sukh kya hai, ik parchhaayi hai

kya sukh itana kshan-bhangur hai
jaise koyi sheeshay ka ghar hai
dukh ka ik kankar seh na sakay 
itana kamajor hai - jarzar hai
Sukh pal bhar hee kyon aata hai ?
ye saath mein dukh kyon laata hai ?
pahale thay dukhee, ye aa jaaye 
aur ab hain dukhee, ye na jaaye
chaahay jatan anekon kar le koyi 
jhonkay kab havaa ke ruk paaye
jab jab bhee lena chaaha sukh 
ye ham say aankh churaata raha 
jab jab bhee dena chaaha sukh
ye sahaj hee paas me aata raha 
ye vo daulat hai, jo jitnee baanti, 
utanee hee paayee hai
Sukh kaya hai, ik parchhaayi hai

Maaya say toltay rahtay hain 
sukh mahanga hai na sastaa hai
ham baahar khojte rahtay hain
aur ye bheetar hee basta hai
na daulat se na taaqat se
na zor zabar se milta hai
ye vo kamal hai jo jal mein 
santosh sabar ke khilta hai 
satguru ne samjhaaya 'dilvar'
to baat samajh ye aayi hai
aasakti dukh ka kaaran hai 
aur Raam naam sukhdaayee hai
gar sukh ko ham chaahen sadaa
to sharan Raam kee lay leven
in kay charnon me ham apnaa
tan man dhan arpan kar deven
bhakti hee sukh kee kunjee hai
bhakti ka sukh hee sthaayi hai 
ye us ke hissay aaya hai 
jo Rabb ka bana shaudaee hai
Sukh kshanik nahin sukh sthaayi hai
Sukh Rabb kee hee parchhaayi hai
Sukh kshanik nahin sukh sthaayi hai
Sukh Rabb kee hee parchhaayi hai
                  By: " Dilvar Ji - Mumbai "

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...