Monday, September 20, 2021

Why do we talk about our mentors?

Some people ask why do we talk about our mentors so often?

We talk about them because we're proud of them.
We talk about them because they deserve to be remembered.
We talk about them because even though they are not physically with us, they are never far from our minds.
We talk about them because they are part of us - a part that we could never ignore or disown.
We talk about them because we love them still and always will.
Nothing will ever change that.


  1. 🙏🏼 and also… may be… remembering the teachings of our mentors is the true homage and tribute to them 🙏🏼

  2. I should have said, remembering and applying their teachings in our lives…

  3. दिव्य महानुभव 🙏🌼🙏


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