Monday, September 27, 2021

Sat-Sangatvay Nis-Sangatvam - The ultimate goal of doing Satsang

In his famous, beautiful poetical composition known as 'Bhaj-Govindam' - Aadi Shankaracharya talks about the purpose of life - human nature - and how to achieve the ultimate universal Truth - regardless of time and place.

In one of the later verses, he says:
          सत्संगत्वे नि:संगत्वं, नि:संगत्वे निर्मोहत्वम् ॥
         निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्वं, निश्चलतत्वे जीवन मुक्तिः ||

        "Sat-Sangatvay Nis-Sangatvam
          Nis-Sangatvay Nir-Mohatvam
          Nir-Mohatvay Nischal-Tatvaam
          Nischal-Tatvay Jeevan Muktih"

Keeping the company of Saints - noble and righteous people results in being free from the company (of five Vikaaras). Free from the company or association with vices and delusions, excessive worldly desires, greed, ego, etc. - and the person tries to spend more time with the Self.

The state of being 'Nis-Sangatavam' - free of all company can also be translated as the Thoughtless state of mind - known as freedom from the mind.

This state of being Nis-Sangatavam gradually results in being free from the 'Moha' or attachment. Free from attachment with ignorance - beliefs, assumptions, and dogmas. 
Therefore not getting confused or perplexed - and going away from the desired destination of achieving the Truth.

This state of mind - being free from the attachments - further results in perceiving and having union with the 'Unchangeable Truth' - the one and the only Reality.

Apprehending and establishing the Self in the Unchangeable Truth ultimately results in achieving the Jeevan-Mukti - Liberation while living in the world and from the repetitive cycle of birth and death.

As long as we are attached to something - a person or a  personality - a dogma, place, or situation - we are bound, confined, and imprisoned. And cannot be called as Jeevan-Mukta.

Being free from all kinds of binding is called Jeevan-Mukti - the Living-Salvation - the True Liberation.
                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Word by word meanings:

Sat -- Truth
Sangatwam -- Keeping the company of
Nis-Sangatvam -- Not having any company
Nis-Sangatvay -- By not having any company
Nir-Mohatvam -- Free of attachments
Nir-Mohatvay  -   Being free of attachments
Nischal -- Unchangeable
Tatvam -- Reality, The Truth.
Nischal-Tatvay - Being established in Unchangeable Reality
Jeevan -- Life
Mukti -- Salvation, Liberation.
Jeevan-Mukti -- Living Salvation or Liberation


  1. Yes absolutely right sir that’s the experience of a librated soul the ,”The jivan Multan.”👍👍👍🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿


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