Thursday, September 2, 2021

Divinity is in Everyone

Divinity is in everyone.
Distortion, twisting, and misrepresentation occur when we fail to recognize this fact.

It's inappropriate - deceptive and delusional to believe that we have the right to discriminate 
- to decide who is divine and who is not.

Only God knows the true nature of everyone - and what is truly in their heart and minds 
- even if they speak or act a little differently than others.


  1. True... Rajan jee..can I request for a little more elaboration preferably with example if possible?..

  2. So true Jì! Sometimes we make judgements, the good or the bad, based on external appearances only. Sometimes, we don’t know the whole context, the background or the intent. A hunter bends down with a bow and arrow not due to humility but with the intent to kill. Likewise, I had read somewhere - if you see a person with an empty bowl in hand then it doesn’t mean the person is poor, it could be that he just came back after distributing to the poors

  3. So true Jì! Sometimes we make judgements, the good or the bad, based on external appearances only. Sometimes, we don’t know the whole context, the background or the intent. A hunter bends down with a bow and arrow not due to humility but with the intent to kill. Likewise, I had read somewhere - if you see a person with an empty bowl in hand then it doesn’t mean the person is poor, it could be that he just came back after distributing to the poors

  4. Satguru Baba Hardev Singh Jì Maharaj used to say “Every soul is potentially divine” 🙏


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