Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Angam Galitam Palitam Mundam - All limbs loosened -

Angam galitam palitam mundam - dashan viheenam jaatam tundam
Vriddhoyaati graheetva dandam - tadapi na munchati aasha pindam
                                                                                  ' Aadi Shankaracharya '

Ang sab dheelay - baal jhad gaye - toot gaye sab dant 
Laathi bin chal paye na 'Rajan' - Aasha ka par huaa na ant
All limbs loosened - All parts of the body became weak and inactive.
Hair greyed and fell out - 
All teeth have fallen - the mouth is toothless- empty of teeth.
The body has grown old - weak and fragile - 
Unable to walk without support- a stick is held in hand.

But even then, there is no end to desires, hopes, and expectations. 
Even after all this, a person remains entangled in hopes and expectations -
We cannot let them go.

In other words - even though the limbs grow weak - the teeth fall down, the hair grows white, and the body is supported by an aid - one does not throw away the bundle of his desires even at quite old age - at the door of death.

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