Tuesday, September 28, 2021

My well-wishers asked me - how old are you?

Many of my well-wishers have asked me - 
how old are you?

I laugh at the question -
and tell them it is hard to answer.

Because when I play with a little child, 
I am one year old.
When I watch cartoons - I am three.

When I dance to the tune of music, 
I am a sweet sixteen.

When I try to heal someone's wounds -
I am sure I have crossed six decades of my life span.

And when I chat with sparrows or bulbuls,
Or run after my dog and his ball -
I become their age.
Anyway, what is there in age?
Isn't it just a number only?

Like the light of the sun
And the flowing river waters
I am ageless.
I keep changing with time and my experience.

Days are marching towards night -
No doubt 
Whenever it extends its hand -
I shall hold it.

Till then, 
it’s not my age that matters -
How fully have I lived thus far -
That is the consideration
                                 (Writer unknown)


सीट बेल्ट बांध लें

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