Friday, September 10, 2021

Learning Never Ends

 The process of learning never ends. 

There is always some more to learn - 
because there is so much more that we do not know. 

Therefore, a wise person always remains a learner.
They are always willing to learn at every moment, from everyone - in every situation. 
The more they know, the more they realize that there is so much more yet to learn. 
So, they always keep learning - and learning more and more.
                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Being an ongoing process, learning is akin to famous saying which goes..." It's a comb which a person gets when he goes bald"

  2. I like what you have written


सीट बेल्ट बांध लें

उड़ान भरने से पहले, हवाई जहाज में एक घोषणा की जाती है: 'अपनी सीट बेल्ट अच्छी तरह से बांध लें।' क्योंकि, जैसे-जैसे विमान ऊपर चढ़ता है...