Friday, September 10, 2021

Learning Never Ends

 The process of learning never ends. 

There is always some more to learn - 
because there is so much more that we do not know. 

Therefore, a wise person always remains a learner.
They are always willing to learn at every moment, from everyone - in every situation. 
The more they know, the more they realize that there is so much more yet to learn. 
So, they always keep learning - and learning more and more.
                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Being an ongoing process, learning is akin to famous saying which goes..." It's a comb which a person gets when he goes bald"

  2. I like what you have written


रुप सब तुम्हारे हैं और स्वयं तुम अरुप हो

      सर्वशक्तिमान निरंकार प्रभु को समर्पित तुम से है ब्रह्माण्ड तुम जगत का मूल रुप हो  रुप सब तुम्हारे हैं और स्वयं तुम अरुप हो  अनादि हो अ...