Friday, September 17, 2021

Maa kuru dhan-jan-yauvana garvam -- Do not boast of your ....

Maa kuru dhan-jan-yauvana garvam
Harati Nimeshat-kalah Sarvam
Mayamaymidamkhilam hitva
Brahmapadam tvam pravish viditva. 
               Bhaj Govindam - 11 (Adi Shankracharya)

Do not boast of your youth, wealth, power, or the number of friends, followers, well-wishers, etc.

Each one of these can be destroyed within a minute by a stroke of time.  

Free yourself from the illusion of the world of Maya and attain the Brahmapadam - the timeless Truth.

It's a warning that having pride or ego about any kind of possessions we have, is false and illusionary. Because nothing in this transitory world stays the same forever. 

The aging process takes away the youth. Money and other possessions can be stolen, spent, or lost. 

Social and political power can change overnight. 

The only constant is the Self. 

One should realize this fact through Gyana and establish oneself with it to achieve the state of enlightenment.

                                                        ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Word by word meaning:

Maa kuru - Do not do or have
Dhan - Wealth
Jan - People, Public (here it means social power because of the number of friends, followers, well-wishers, etc.
Yauvana - Youth
Garvam - Ego, pride, Arrogance

Harati - Takes away
Nimeshat - in a moment
Kalah - Time
Sarvam - All (of these)

Maayaamayam- full of illusory nature
Idam - this
Akhilam - all
Budhvaa - by knowing this, or after realizing it

Brahmapadam - the state of Brahman - uniting with the Almighty
Tvam - you
Pravisha - enter into
Viditvaa - Knowing, realizing, having Gyana


  1. Wow Amazing ! Uncle Ji is this Adi Shankracharya ?

  2. Wonderful explanation of each word ��


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