Thursday, September 30, 2021

DNA makes us what we are

DNA makes us what we are.
Our thinking, learning, and circumstances make us who we are.

What we are, never changes -
Who we are … never stops changing.

Environment and circumstances have a great influence on our thinking.
Favorable conditions make us happy and optimistic
while unfavorable conditions tend to make us sad, depressed, and even angry. 
Most of the time, 'positive or negative thinking' depends mainly on the circumstances.

However, a Gyani or the enlightened person chooses to reverse this course.
Instead of letting the circumstances influence his thinking, he tries to change the circumstances with his thoughts and Karma.
As an ancient sage and Guru Ashtavakra said -
                       "Ya mati, Sa gatirbhavait " 
 As we think, So we become - (or so it happens) 
                         (Ashtavkra Gita 1:11)

With Gyana and Vichar - knowledge, logic, and reasoning, a Gyani does not let the circumstances influence his mind. He sticks to his Gyan and principles and acts accordingly.  
                                           ' Rajan Sachdeva '

किंवदन्तीह स्त्येयम, या मति: सा गतिर्भवेत 
                               (अष्टावक्र गीता १:११ )


  1. Rightly said so but at times difficult to implement as circumstances prove to be too heavy to change the course.

  2. You are right Ashok ji.
    We can not change all our circumstances all the times.
    That's where the 'Acceptance' comes in.
    But the point I was trying to make is --
    " a Gyani does not let the circumstances influence his mind. He sticks to his Gyan and principles"
    - even if the circumstances are not quite favorable.

  3. Bless me Uncle jee !! Yeh sashwat Satya Hai !!


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