Sunday, September 26, 2021

Bhakti - Devotion and Peace are not attained by asking

Whether it's Bhakti or Shanti - Devotion or Peace - 
it can not be attained by merely asking.

Because devotion and peace are not actions or Kriya - they are fruits - the outcomes.

We see that many things in nature are available just by being in the proximity of their source - without asking.

We can't get heat or cold merely by asking for them -
but, when we go near the fire, we get the warmth.
When we go near the snow, we get the coolness.
And when we sit near the flowers - the fragrance is received automatically - without asking.

Similarly, by staying close to God, devotion and peace are attained by themselves.
There is no need to ask.
All that is needed is to make closeness to the Lord.

For example, rich people go to cool hill stations such as Mussoorie and Shimla to escape the summer heat.
To escape the severe winter- birds, and deers living in the far north migrate to the warm areas of the south.
Like incense sticks are lit, and air fresheners are sprayed to remove the nasty, unpleasant smell - 
and to avoid the noise, we go to some calm, isolated place.
In other words, we try to find and go to the source of what we want.

Whether it is heat or coolness - silence or fragrance - all these things start coming to us automatically as soon as we approach their source.

Similarly, devotion and peace are automatically obtained by staying close to God - in the proximity of Almighty.
There is no need to ask - 
just build closeness to the source of everything.
                                                     ' Rajan Sachdev '


  1. Great analogy, Rajan ji. Keep blessing us.

  2. Rajan Ji
    Shat Shat Namaskar for putting reality into simple words for people like us to get the gist and improve lives


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