Thursday, September 9, 2021

Attachment is the cause of bondage - Aasakti bandhan ka kaaran

        Man-ev-Manushyaanaam kaarnam bandha-mokshayoh‌ 
        Bandhaaye Vishaya-asaktam - Muktaye Nirvishayam
Meaning :
The human mind is the cause of bondage and salvation.
Attachment to Vishyas - is the cause of bondage.
Non-attachment from the objects is liberation or salvation.

                           Summary - Essence 

Vishaya literally means - Subject - topic, goal, objective, etc.

We have five sense organs - and each of them has its own Vishaya - the subject - purpose or intent.
The respective subject or the objective of each of these sense organs is as such:
Eyes  -  Roop (Vision - Form, figure, color, body, beauty, etc.)
Tongue  -  Ras (Taste) 
Nose   -  Gandh (Smell, fragrance, scent, etc.)
Ears   -   Shabd (Sound)
Skin    -   Sparsh (Touch)
Attachment to these five subjects is the cause of bondage.

Often our mind is engrossed in these Vishyas of Roop, Ras, Gandh, Shabad, and Sparsh
That is - form, taste, smell, sound, and touch, respectively.
And being subject to these, we are always bound - in their bondage.

The non-attachment to these Vishyas is known as Mukti or liberation.

Non-attachment does not mean completely relinquishing these senses and their objects and objectives.  
Instead, using them wisely and appropriately - and not being completely engrossed and indulged in them - is called non-attachment.

   Man apnay mein hee hai 'Rajan' moksh paanay ki yukti 
    Aasakti bandhan ka kaaran - Anaasakti hai mukti 
                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '

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