Friday, September 24, 2021

The Journey of Life

This morning, a few reflections from the past flashed in my mind -
from the days when I used to travel quite a bit in India.

Traveling modes and experiences were quite different in those days.
Trains and buses were very uncomfortable and usually overcrowded.
My tours in trains were always in general compartments - without reservation - where ten to fifteen people would be sitting on two berths facing each other. 
During long journeys, people would engage in conversations. Sometimes we would meet some wonderful people who would become long-term friends. And sometimes the experience with some people was not so good.

On their arrival at their destination, many people would get off the train. You would probably see 20-30 or even a hundred people getting off at every station. But you would not remember any of them or care about them.

However, you will remember two kinds of people - the good ones and the bad ones. 
Those who were not so good to you - who were unfriendly and non-cooperative would give you a sense of relief when they left. 
But you would miss those who were kind - friendly, and helpful. 
You would wish they had stayed longer.

Life is also a similar kind of journey.

There are many pleasant and unforgettable moments in our lives. 
And sometimes we encounter events, which are not so comfortable - crowded and suffocating.

We meet so many people during this journey called life - some good ones and some not so good ones.
We see hundreds of thousands of people around who come and go - but we don't remember any of them.

However, we always remember those with whom we had some good or bad experiences.
We might feel a sense of relief at the departure of those whom we might consider our opponents and adversaries.
And we feel a huge loss when some good and kind people leave - especially those with whom we had close contacts. We intensely miss the departure of our loved ones, who leave a void in our life.

However, a million-dollar question remains unanswered.
Do the co-travelers - who leave us in the middle of our journey also remember and miss us after departing at their destination?
                                                  ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Yes, they miss us too either as a good or not-so-good people. It is hard to retain those feeling unless feeling can be attached to mentally recognizable portrait

  2. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ So true Rajan Jรฌ! Baba Jรฌ used to say everyone has the capability to give happiness. We get happiness when good people enter the room and we also get happiness when no so good people leave the room! Now, we need to carefully choose how we want to give happiness to others… with entering or by leaving the room…๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  3. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ So true Rajan Jรฌ! Baba Jรฌ used to say everyone has the capability to give happiness. We get happiness when good people enter the room and we also get happiness when no so good people leave the room! Now, we need to carefully choose how we want to give happiness to others… with entering or by leaving the room…๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Course of Karma cannot be Averted - Avashyamev Bhoktavyam Kritam Karma

AvashyaMeva Bhoktavyam Kritam Karma Shubhaashubham Na Bhuktam Kshiyate Karma Janma Koti Shatairapi                                       Shi...