Monday, September 20, 2021

Blissful Memories - Shehanshah Baba Avtar Singh ji

September 17, 1969, was the day when Baba Avtar Singh Ji - who was lovingly called Shehanshah ji by all his disciples and devotees - left this mortal world.
When I heard the news of his passing- I was in Kaithal, Haryana - where I had recently joined my first job as a teacher. Along with the family of Sh. Dalip Singh ji - then Pramukh of Kaithal, we immediately went to Sant Nirankari Colony, Delhi.

Since my early childhood, I have had a keen interest in the Hindu Scriptures and a longing to find the Truth.
Through a classmate at high school, I came in contact with Baba Avtar Singh ji when I was thirteen.
I took Gyan directly from him, and he had become very close to my heart. I loved him deeply and had the utmost respect for him in my heart. I also consider myself very fortunate to have received his love and blessings personally.

That day, when I saw his motionless body lying on a raised platform in the Nirankari Bhavan, suddenly tears began to flow from my eyes.

Giani Joginder Singh ji was standing next to me.
Seeing my tearful eyes, he said:
Rajan ji! You should know better - this is just a body.
Shehanshah ji has not left us. Remember what he used to say - that Guru is not the body - Guru is what is in that body. The forms - the bodies come and go. So, focus only upon Almighty Nirankar - not the body.

Giani ji further said that we should remember what Shehanshah ji taught us. We are Nirankari - followers of Nirankar. So, instead of getting attached to the body, we should follow his teachings.

However, I can never forget Shehanshah Ji's divine and radiant face - and the way he taught with a direct and to-the-point approach towards Almighty Nirankar.

He has always been alive in my heart and mind - and always will be.
                                                  ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Offering water to Shehansha ji - Ferozepur 1963

On the Stage with Shehanshah ji - (in dark shirt sitting 
next to Nihal Singh ji and Sant Amar Singh ji 
At Moga (Punjab) 1963


  1. Very good pictures old memories
    Thank you mama ji

  2. Thank you Ji
    Your memories bring back the blessings Shehanshah Ji so generously gave us all.
    The pictures are wonderful!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Rajan Ji. The pictures and your words personify your affection for Baba Avtar Singh Ji.

  4. Yes he will be always alive in all his disciples

  5. Divine memorabilia ��������

  6. Each guru has their own style and approach though their core knowledge remains steady. How fortunate you are to have known 4. I once asked Professor Puri if there was anyone still living who had known all 5. He thought for a moment, then said, " Perhaps Raj Mata-ji." Today, most likely there's no one who knew Baba Buta Singh.

    1. Thank you John ji - By the way I have known 6 in my life and seen/witnessed the change 5 times ๐Ÿ™

  7. Thanks for sharing the moments spent during the final day. I came from Bombay to witness farewell��

  8. Thank you for sharing memorable rare photographs and your unforgettable experiences with Shehanshah ji


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