Friday, January 26, 2024

Try to see with objectivity and impartiality

If we Judge People
Then Nobody is Ours

If we Understand People
Then Everyone is Ours

If we constantly observe and judge people from our own perspective - 
if we try to evaluate everyone from our own standpoint - 
it will seem that no one is ours.

But if we try to understand the views and actions of others 
with fair understanding and impartiality – 
Then everyone is ours.
                        "Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Thank you Rajan ji. Here's a thought...if I may share:

    Judgement is inevitable. Judgment infact is a direct consequence of applying Wisdom. Judgement is how we make a decision to be on the best path (the right path) vs a path that is not (wrong path).

    Trying to understand and see other's perspectives is reasonable yet not as effective or beneficial when dealing with matters of objectivity. What's Right or Accurate is obvious and so is what is Not, regardless of how one may think or feel. Acknowledging the difference between the two is Judgement.

    With Great Respect and Regards...
    Best Wishes and hope you have an amazing and blissful year ahead.

  2. It's true sir

  3. Concept of objectivity is alien amongst living beings. Rather Subjectivity is the norm. Where former(objectivity) is desired & sought, latter(Subjectivity) is a fact. Japanese technique(IKIGAI) in interpersonal relationships is result oriented. As Professor Sahib has rightly put, understanding coupled with impartiality is required to keep going thereby enriching bonds of mutual coexistence. Think this life approach will witness all way peace and positivity and avoid being JUDGEMENTAL too.

  4. I agree with you hundred percent but bless me so that I judge people other point of view🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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