Saturday, January 6, 2024

As I Eneterd Heaven's Door



  1. True. We are quick to judge others, but not ourselves. We turn a blind eye to our own faults. Our sights should be turned inward so we can strive to improve ourselves.

  2. Beautiful 🙏🏽

  3. Not everything is what it seems. Be non judge-mental

  4. To judge others is always convenient. Adage "Think before you speak" fits this poem. But practically speaking this trait is ingrained in human psyche. Self- introspection coupled with self-discipline & self-improvement are sue shot keys to get rid of being judgemental.

  5. Beautiful. So nice to get blessing form you 🙏


जब लग इस संसार में है माया का साथ

जब लग इस संसार में - है माया का साथ  तब लग छोटे और बड़े सब जोड़ें आकर हाथ  सब जोड़ें आकर हाथ - कहें मैं भाई तेरा  चली जाए माया तो बोलें - तू क्...