Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Engaged in Yoga or Pleasure -- "Yog-Rato va Bhog-Rato va"

Yog-Rato Va Bhog-Rato Va 
Sang-Rato Va Sang-Viheena
Yasya Brahmani Ramatay Chittam
Nandati Nandati Nandati Eva 
                     " Bhaj Govindam ॥19॥

Engaged in Yoga or Bhoga (Pleasure)
In company or without company - in solitude
One whose mind remains fixed on Brahman - the ultimate truth - 
always remains peaceful and happy.
                          (Adi Shankaracharya – Bhaj Govindam)

We may derive two slightly different meanings from this verse -
Some people think that Yoga, the life of renunciation and discipline is proper and adequate - 
while others want luxury and pleasures. 
Some constantly like to be in the company of others - 
while some like to be alone - in isolation.
However, those whose minds steadily delight in Brahman enjoy the bliss. 
Whether engaged in Yoga or pleasure - 
In attachment or detachment - in association or in solitude - 
whose mind is steadily fixed on Brahman in every situation, 
always remains peaceful and blissful. 
                        "Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Well said. Detached while being attached is going to work wonders while justifying on devotion while discharging required responsibilities.

  2. Beautiful explaination Jì 🙏🙏

  3. Beautiful blog🌷


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