Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Maiyya mori main nahin aaj nahaayo -- A humorous parody (Just for laughs)

Maiyya mori main nahin aaj nahaayo 
Bhor bhayi ishnaan karan ko bathroom mohay pathaayo 
Barfeela paani jab dekha - praan galay mein aayo 
Main baalak sardi ka maara traahi-traahi chillaayo 
Ghar waalay sab bair paday thay barbas mukh dhulvaayo 
Tu janani man kee ati bholi, baapu say kutvaayo 
Jeeya teray kachhu bhed dikhat hai kaahay na mohay bachaayo 
Ye lay apni baalti sabuniya bahut hee naanch nachaayo 
"Nav Soordas" tab hans kay maiyya dryclen karvaayo 
                             (Writer unknown) 

Note -- I changed a few lines from the poem I received 
                                                  English translation

Mother, I did not take a bath today
Early morning I was sent to the bathroom to take a bath
When I saw the icy water, my heart sank 
I am just a child terrified by the cold - I screamed aloud
The family members like a rival - brutally tried to wash my face 
O mother - you are naive by nature - and you had me beaten up by father.
I can see some disparity in your heart - why did you not save me? 
Here is your bucket and soap - that has made me dance a lot.
"the new era Surdas says" - hearing this - Mother laughed and dry-cleaned me. 
                   (author unknown)

The original composition written by Sant Soordas is - Maiya Mori Main Nahi Makhan Khayo

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