Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Journey of my Life

In the beginning, there was Nothing.
From Nothing - I was born 
And I became something.

But I thought I was a special something 
- better than anything or anyone else.

And during the time allotted to me, I created great devastation in the world.
I wanted people to follow me and obey me - 
believe in me, and do everything I told them to do.

Some listened to me - and followed me. 
They made me feel content and delighted.
And Some opposed - criticized and even accused.
They made me unhappy and enraged.

It was a great drama of different scenarios - 
all kinds of ventures - ups and downs - winnings and losings -
moments of happiness and sadness - love and hostility.

Then one day, I returned to Nothingness 
- leaving everything behind -
which I collected and accumulated here
- that I thought was mine.

In the end - 
It was a journey from Nothing to Something - and Nothing again.
                                              ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. What a beautiful summary of life and truth🙏🙏🙏

  2. Life is cyclic in nature. What comes in go out too at some point of time. So they say. Always possess and never own. Sense of ownership creates all havoc.

  3. True!
    Looking at it from a slightly different perspective, it could also be
    a journey from the Everything to Something - and Everything again!

  4. जीवन का सुंदर सारांश🌷

  5. Thanks for sharing amazing thoughts ����
    S Singh

  6. Dhan Nirankar Ji. Please continue with your inspiring messages, as they make my day. Loves and Blessings.

  7. Really truth

  8. very nice and really true. ��

  9. True it is a journey from nothing to something and again nothing


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...