Thursday, February 24, 2022

Cold and Snowy Winter

It's winter - cold and snowy. 
Everything looks so dull and gloomy.
Everywhere there are sad-looking naked leafless trees that seem to be dead.

But don't think the trees lose their ecstasy in winter. 
They are quiet and uneventful - they may seem to be lifeless -
but their roots are holding them firmly under the ground and getting them ready for the spring. 

We also face many different seasons - many ups and downs in life. 
As long as our hearts and minds are firmly rooted, we will also come out of such phases more vibrant, lively, and energetic - 
like the trees in spring.
                                                                   ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Dhad vat jamana Kat
    Bhale din aavnge

    All days are not same

    Thanks uncle ji

  2. "Jaisi bhi ho sthiti, ek jaisi rahe manosthithi" An apt quote of H.H. Baba ji is worth imbibing by all of us. Your story supports this positive statement.

  3. Thanks for sharing the wonderful message . Keep on blessing Jì.

  4. This winter is appearing to be too long for self... Seek blessings for early spring

  5. Thank you for beautiful message _/\_


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...