Wednesday, February 2, 2022

A moment spent with Enlightened ones - Yak zamaana sohbat-e-ba Auliya

یک زمانہ صحبت -ے- با -اولیا
بہتر از صد سلا طاعت بے ریا
                         مولانا رومی

Yak zamana, sohbat-e-ba-Auliya
Behtar az, sad sala ta'at-e-be-riya

A moment spent in the company of an enlightened one
Is better than a hundred years of sincere worship alone."
                                                 ~ Maulana Rumi ~

Sitting with an Auliya - an Enlightened one even for a little while is better than worshipping alone for a hundred years - and trying to find the Truth on your own.

It can be applied to every field in life - in any field of learning.
Learning from someone who knows the subject - is easier and faster than trying to learn it alone.

Note: Some people believe it was written by Shams Tabrezi - the Guru or Peer of Maulana Rumi

1 comment:

  1. I think he is describing his invaluable moments with Shams Tabrez. Their first meeting itself was an eternal blissful moment for Rumi.
    Maulana hargiz na shud Maula-e Rum
    Gar ghulam-e Shams Tabrez-i na shud


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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