Sunday, July 11, 2021

Kisi ko Mukammal jahaan nahin miltaa - with Translation

Some people have asked for the meaning - Translation of the Ghazal I posted a couple of days ago.

1.  Kabhi kisi ko mukammal jahaan nahin miltaa
    Kaheen zameen, kaheen aasmaan nahin miltaa

2. Tamaam shehar mein aisaa nahin khuloos na ho
   Jahaan ummeed ho is kee vahaan nahin miltaa

3. Kahaan chiraag jalaayen kahaan gulaab rakhen
   Chhaten to milti hain lekin makaan nahin miltaa

4. Ye kya azaab hai sab apnay aap mein gum hain
    Zubaan milee hai magar ham-Zubaan nahin miltaa

5. Chiraag jaltay hee beenaayi bujhnay lagtee hai
    Khud apnay ghar mein hi ghar ka nishaan nahin miltaa

                                                 Written by:  Nida Fazali 

Here is the translation as I understand it -

1. No one has a perfect life. No one wins the whole world.
    No one gets everything in life that one desires.
Everyone feels that either one thing or the other - something is missing in their life.

2. It's not that love and sincerity can not be seen anywhere in the city (or in the world).
    However, it's not found where it is expected.

3. Where to light a lamp - where to put roses?
     Roofs are there, but the houses seem to be missing.
     That is - there are houses but not homes.
     There are structures - but no spirit.

4. What a misery it is that everyone is lost in themselves.
     There are tongues, but hard to find that are willing to converse (kindly - affectionately)

5. As soon as the lamp is lit, the vision begins to fade -
    One can't find a mark - a place in one's own home.
    In other words, how unfortunate it is that one can not even live in peace in one's own home.
                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '



  2. Dhan Nirankar.
    Only a Guru can find beautiful meaning in words. And teach us. 🙏🙏🙏
    We will always be grateful.

  3. Dhan Nirankar.
    Only a guru can show you the light , knowledge.
    With out the guidance, they are just words.
    Thank you Rajanji.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...