Thursday, July 1, 2021

Duniya nay ajab rang jamaa rakhaa hai

Duniya nay ajab rang jamaa rakhaa hai
Har ik ko gulaam apnaa banaa rakhaa hai
Phir lutf ye hai ki jis say poochho vo kahay
is aalam-e-aab-o-gil may kya rakhaa hai
                                          " Tilok Chand Mehroom "

Aalam        - World
Aab               - Water
Gil                 - Dirt, sand, dust
Alam-e-aab-o-gil = The world of dust and water

Strange are the ways of this world
What a firm hold it has that everyone has become its slave.
And on top of that, it is interesting that when asked - everyone says what's a big deal about this world - 
it's nothing more than just dust and water.
                                             ~~     ~~
It's fascinating to see that although everyone says this world is like an illusion - temporary, transitory - false and meaningless. And yet, everyone is running to make more money - to accumulate more possessions - to secure some position of authority and gain more power.
In reality, it seems that most everyone is a slave of the materialistic world - though they may talk otherwise.


  1. Materialistic attractions for consumer oriented mindset people are groping in dark and are directionless with no appreciation that all their accumulations would not accompany them when it's their turn to say "GOODBYE" to world....

    1. You are right sir - However, the writer Tilok Chand Mehroom sahib is saying that everyone says it and yet everyone - not only consumer oriented - even the religious ones - try to accumulate as much as possible - knowing well that it can not be taken.
      This is poet's observation - his views, and seem to be very much true.

  2. 100% Uncle Ji look at the basic fact we Pray to God for Maya ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™ so who is more powerful. In the Bible, Lord Jesus says my Kingdom is of not this world, this world belongs to Satan or Darkness.


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...