Monday, July 26, 2021

How many kidneys do we have?

A teacher addressed a backbencher student and asked: 
How many kidneys do we have?
"Four! The student responds.
The teacher was one of those who took pleasure in picking on his students and demoralizing them.

"Bring a bundle of grass - because we have a donkey in the room" - the teacher orders a frontbencher.

'And a cup of coffee for me!' - the backbencher student added.

The teacher was furious and expelled the student from the room.

On his way out of the classroom, the student still dared to correct the furious teacher:
"You asked me how many kidneys we have.
'We have' - is an expression used for the plural.
We have four kidneys: two of mine and two of yours.
Enjoy the grass."

Life demands much more understanding than just bookish knowledge and mere beliefs. 

The student was, by the way, a famous humorist - namely Aparicio Torelly Aporelly (1895-1971), better known as the Baron de Itararé.
                                                  Courtesy of Dr. Bajaj - Chicago


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...