Monday, July 5, 2021

16 Roots of Calm - Imperturbable Peace

                         16 Roots of Calm - Imperturbable Peace

1: The undepressed mind is not perturbed by any sadness - 
      therefore, it is unperturbed.

2: The unexcited mind is not perturbed by any agitation -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

3: The unattracted mind is not perturbed by any desire -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

4: The unopposed mind is not perturbed by any anger 
      therefore, it is unperturbed.

5: The self-reliant mind is not perturbed by other's opinions -    
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

6: The uninvolved mind is not perturbed by any annoyance - 
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

7: The released mind is not perturbed by any sensual lust -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

8: The detached mind is not perturbed by any clinging - 
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

9: The un-hindered mind is not perturbed by any obstruction -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

10: The unified mind is not perturbed by any diverse variety -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

11: The mind reinforced by faith is not perturbed by any doubt -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

12: The enthusiastic, keen mind is not perturbed by any laziness -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

13: The acutely aware mind is not perturbed by any negligence -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

14: The concentrated mind is not perturbed by any distraction -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

15: The understanding mind is not perturbed by any confusion -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

16: The illuminated mind is not perturbed by any dark blind ignorance -
     therefore, it is unperturbed.

These sixteen roots lead to the obtaining of super-human power and fearlessness.

          Source: Venerable Sāriputta, in The Path of Discrimination


  1. 16 roots of calmness can be achieved by staying connected with Nirankar
    S. Singh

    1. Absolutely -
      and it can be the other way around too -
      Only a calm, unperturbed mind can stay connected to Nirankar.
      A disturbed and wandering mind can not focus on anything.

  2. Right way to stay calm. Staying calm will connect with FORMLESS. As there goes a saying, "What one has, one can give" WoW !!!


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...