Thursday, December 31, 2020

Duaa - Ye Saal Nayaa Achhaa Rahay

                      Ye Saal Nayaa Achhaa Rahay 

Maazoor ho na gareeb ho 
Na koyi kisee ka raqeeb ho 
Har marz  ka  tabeeb ho 
Sukh chain sab ko naseeb ho 

Miten dooriyaan sab qareeb hon 
Na hon ghair - Sab habeeb hon 
Shaaeestaa hon -- adeeb hon 
Sab log khush-naseeb hon 

Ab kisi ko koyi gham na ho 
Ab aankh koyi bhee nam na ho 
koyi  dil  kisi  ka  na  today 
koyi saath kisi ka na chhoday 

Koi chaahay kisi bhi haal mein ho 
Larzish na us kee chaal mein ho 
Sabr-o-Sidaq khisaal mein ho 
Har baat Sur aur Taal mein ho 

Har lafz ho napaa tulaa
Na dil mein ho koyi gilaa 
Sab maangen har ik ka bhalaa 
Dil aasmaan saa ho khulaa 

Na dil ho koyi malaal mein
Na haath uthen swaal mein
Koyi na ho  zawaal mein 
Har shakhs ho khush haal mein 

Na hijar ho visaal mein
Har chehra ho jalaal mein 
Hai kisi kay jo khyaal mein 
Usay sab milay is Saal mein 

Ye Saal nayaa ab aisaa ho 
Ki jo bhi ho sab achhaa ho 
Na dangay hon na jhagdaa ho 
Har dil mein pyaar ka jazbaa ho

Lab pay bas yahi dua rahay 
Har Dil mein yahi sadaa rahay 
Sab pay hi Prabhu dayaa rahay 
Ye Saal Nayaa Achhaa Rahay 

Maalik ka aasraa rahay 
Aur dil mein hauslaa rahay 
Naa 'Rajan' faaslaa rahay 
Ye Saal Nayaa Achhaa Rahay 

Lab pay yahee dua rahay 
Ye Saal Nayaa Achhaa Rahay 

Sab par Prabhu dayaa rahay 
Ye Saal Nayaa Achhaa Rahay 
                  '  Rajan Sachdeva '

Maazoor       =     Helpless, Feeble, Vulnerable 
Raqeeb          =    Enemy
Tabeeb          =    Doctor, One who can cure, Therapist 
Habeeb         =     Friends, Well-wishers 
Shaaeestaa   =    Cultured, Courteous, Refined, Sophisticated
Adeeb            =    Wise, Intelligent, Civilized, Artistic
Larzish          =    Shivering, Trembling with fear 
Khisaal          =    Nature, Habit 
Malaal           =    Sorrow, Regret, Grief 
Sawaal          =     Asking, Begging  
Zawaal           =   Downfall, Decline
Hijar              =   Separation, 
Visaal            =   Union
Jalaal            =   Glory, Dignity

दुआ - ये साल नया अच्छा रहे

                 ये साल नया अच्छा रहे 

माज़ूर  हो  न ग़रीब हो
न कोई किसी का रक़ीब हो
हर  मर्ज़  का  तबीब  हो 
सुख चैन सब को नसीब हो

मिटें दूरियां सब क़रीब हों
न हो ग़ैर -सब हबीब हों
शाईस्ता हों -- अदीब हों
सब लोग ख़ुशनसीब हों

अब किसी को कोई ग़म न हो
अब आँख कोई भी नम न हो
कोई दिल किसी का न  तोड़े
कोई साथ किसी का ना छोड़े

चाहे किसी भी हाल में हो
लरज़िश न उसकी चाल में हो 
सबरो -सिदक़ ख़िसाल में हो 
हर बात सुर और ताल में हो

हर  लफ्ज़  हो  नपा  तुला
न दिल में  हो  कोई गिला
सब मांगें हर इक का भला
दिल आसमाँ सा हो खुला

न दिल हो कोई मलाल में 
न  हाथ  उठें   सवाल  में  
कोई  न  हो  ज़वाल में 
हर शख़्स हो ख़ुश हाल में 

न हिजर हो  विसाल में 
हर चेहरा हो जलाल में 
है किसी के जो ख़्याल में 
उसे सब मिले इस साल में 

ये  साल नया अब  ऐसा हो
कि जो भी हो सब अच्छा हो 
न दंगें हों  - न  झगड़ा  हो 
हर दिल में प्यार का जज़बा हो 

लब पे बस यही दुआ रहे
हर दिल में यही सदा रहे
सब पर ही प्रभु दया रहे
ये साल नया अच्छा रहे

मालिक का आसरा रहे
और दिल में हौसला रहे
न  'राजन ' फ़ासला रहे
ये साल नया अच्छा रहे 

लब  पे  यही  दुआ  रहे
ये साल नया अच्छा रहे 
सब  पर  प्रभु  दया  रहे
ये साल नया अच्छा रहे 
                              ' राजन सचदेव  '

माज़ूर   =     बेबस, लाचार, मजबूर , Helpless, Vulnerable
रक़ीब    =    दुश्मन , Enemy 
तबीब     =    इलाज़ करने वाला   Doctor
शाईस्ता --   
सुसंस्कृत , 
-सभ्य , शिष्ट,  Cultured, Courteous, Refined, Sophisticated 
अदीब --      विद्वान, सभ्य , शिष्ट, Wise, Intelligent, Civilized 
लरज़िश    -  कंपकंपाहट, डर से कांपना , घबराहट  Shivering, Trembling with fear 
ख़िसाल       =   स्वभाव आदत  Nature, Habits
मलाल         =   दुःख Sorrow, Regret, Grief 
ज़वाल      =      पतन   Downfall, Decline
हिजर              =   विरह वियोग Separation, 
विसाल            =   मिलन Union
जलाल            =   चमक दीप्ति Glory, Dignity

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Vidaai - Farewell to Dr. Satyen Saraswat

We lost another gem in our society.
Dr. Satyen Saraswat - the loving son of Dr. Sudha Saraswat ji and Dr. Suresh Saraswat ji of Nashville - left this world yesterday at a young age.
He was just forty-one.

According to everyone who knew him - He was a caring, generous, and loving person always ready to help everyone happily and smilingly.
He was an astute doctor, and his patients loved him for it.
According to one of the patients -
His dedication to his work paled in comparison only to his love for his daughter, wife, family, and friends.

Though I met him only once or twice - briefly - I could feel the warmth and kindness of his heart.
Nevertheless, I have known Sudha ji and Suresh ji for about three decades, and I have always been impressed with their dedication.
Dr. Sudha ji is an extremely devoted and saintly person who, besides her medical practice, spends so much time along with her husband in devotion, praying, and helping the local community in any way she can.
And yet, she is so simple and down to earth. 
When she speaks and sings the Bhajans in the Satsang, we can feel that they are coming straight from the heart - with genuine love and devotion.
It makes me sad to see such great devotees and such good people suffer this kind of loss.

Although she said it is God's will, and we have to accept it, I can feel her pain. 
It's not easy for parents to bear the loss of their young child. Even the great Gurus and Avtars have felt the pain and grief at such moments in their life.

No one knows why such things happen to good people - to the devoted Bhakts and the Gyanis. 
We can try to justify and find consolation by giving some reasonings - But in the end, all we can do is accept and pray for the strength to endure.
My heartfelt prayers for the parents and family -
May Nirankar - the Almighty Lord grants them the strength to bear this loss and keep them under His grace and benevolence.
                                   ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Monday, December 28, 2020

To Be Peaceful

To be peaceful means to be free from expectations
and to want nothing from anyone - 
Not even from God.

आशा और तृष्णा से रहित होना ही पूर्ण शांति है 
अर्थात किसी से कुछ भी मिलने की इच्छा और आशा न रखना 
यहाँ तक कि परमात्मा से भी नहीं 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Attitudes are more important

Attitudes are more important than facts. 

Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude toward us.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas - and Remember....

 Christmas is not just about exchanging and opening the gift packs - 

It's about opening our hearts.

So, today, while opening our gift packs, let's think about opening our hearts as well - by getting rid of all kinds of narrowmindedness from our minds.

Auspicious wishes given with a pure heart are the best gifts for any season. 

                         ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Happy Holidays - Let's illuminate our Lives

It's Christmas.
It's the Holiday season.
In this part of the world where we live, almost everyone decorates their living room with an ornamented Christmas tree and long and fancy strings of lights outside the house - on the walls - windows &, doors, and the roof. 
The shopping malls, roads, and streets in residential areas display magnificent, spectacular views during the Holiday season. Some houses are decorated so gorgeously and splendidly that they catch everyone's eyes and become a point of attraction and admiration. They are a delight to look at and often make us wonder how much money and time they must have spent to do all that magnificent work. 
Nevertheless, it's a beautiful scene all around. 

But, what about the light of consciousness - which is waiting to be lit inside our hearts and minds? 
Do we ever think about that? 
We may lit thousands of strings of lights inside and outside our house - it's not going to make our life any better - unless and until we illuminate our minds with awakened consciousness.

The Guru has given us the torch - the light of Gyana, and we must keep it lit all the time. 
It's our responsibility to see everything clearly in the light of Gyana. 
We must choose our path wisely and responsibly - with awakened consciousness - with a constant awareness of All-pervading, Almighty Nirankar Parbhu all around us. 
                         Happy Holidays to all.
Let's illuminate our life - inside and outside.
                  ' Rajan Sachdeva '

आज क्रिसमस के दिन -

आज क्रिसमस के दिन -
गिफ्टस के पैकेट खोलने के साथ साथ अपने दिल भी खोलें 
संकीर्णता की भावनाओं को निकाल कर मन को विशाल करने की कोशिश करें 

पवित्र हृदय से दी हुईं शुभ भावनाएं सबसे उत्तम भेंट - सबसे अच्छा गिफ्ट है

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Two Huge Myths

We have cultivated two huge myths in our culture.

The first is that if we love and respect someone - then we must agree with everything they say or do - even if we think it is not right. 

The second is that if we disagree with someone - we must abandon them, disown them, and stop respecting them. 
We might even start hating them.

Both are not the real test of love and respect.

My son once said to me, 'if I disagree with you sometimes on some issues and some specific topics - or if I don't want to do things exactly the way you want me to do - it does not mean that I don't respect you. 
We may have different views. We may have different ways of looking at things - from different angles - but it does not mean that I don't love you. 

To love and respect someone - we do not have to compromise our convictions and principles.

As they say - we can agree to disagree with each other.
In fact, disagreement about some scientific data and conclusions among the scientists compelled them to find better theories and solutions. 

Disagreement about the basic principles of the universe gave us beautiful Shastras* such as Meemansa, Sankhya, Yoga, and Vedanta - which became the basis of all later religions and ideologies of India. 

More than often, Disagreement and constructive criticism can help us find better ways to improve our lifestyle. 
But, unfortunately, when it comes to family and social circles, we start to think differently. 
We translate disagreement as disrespect. 
Which is not true.
We can disagree with someone - and yet love and respect them.

However, the disagreement should not become a harsh argument - to a point where we lose mutual respect and abandon them - disown them and even start hating them.
                                       ' Rajan Sachdeva ' 

* Six main Shastras of ancient India are -
Vaisheshika, Nyaayika, Poorva Meemansa, Sankhya, Yoga, and Uttar Meemansa (Vedanta)

हम अपने जीवन और परिस्थितियों को बदल सकते हैं

यदि हम चाहें तो अपने जीवन और आस पास के परिवेश - परिस्थितियों और माहौल को बदल सकते हैं और एक नया जीवन जी सकते हैं। 


अपने सोचने के ढंग को बदलकर।

लेकिन, सोचने के ढंग को बदलने और सुधारने के लिए - जागरुकता की आवश्यकता है। 

हमें स्वयं के बारे में  बनाई हुई अपनी धारणा को बदलना पड़ेगा  - वह छवि जो हमने अपने लिए अपने मन में बना रखी है, उसे बदलना पड़ेगा।

समस्या यह है कि हम अधिकतर हर चीज को अपने दृष्टिकोण से देखते हैं और अपने ढंग से उसका विश्लेषण करते हैं। स्वयं को हर चीज - हर घटना के केंद्र में रखकर - हम अपने आप को हर परिस्थिति में केंद्र मान कर सोचते हैं। 

हम चाहते हैं कि हर बात, हर घटना हमारे हित में और हमारे हिसाब से होनी चाहिए ।

यदि हम अपने जीवन में सुधार करना चाहते हैं, तो हमें इस दृष्टिकोण को बदलने की आवश्यकता है।

हमें अपने आप को निष्पक्ष रुप से देखना शुरु करना होगा।

जैसा कि भारत के प्राचीन शास्त्र भगवद गीता और उपनिषद कहते हैं - साक्षी बनो।

जब हम साक्षी बनकर - दूर से - एक बाहरी व्यक्ति के रुप में अपने आप को देखेंगे तो ही हम अपनी वास्तविक तस्वीर देख पाएंगे।

और उसके बाद ही - हम अपने आप को ऊपर उठा सकते हैं - बेहतर बना सकते हैं। 

                                                                 ' राजन सचदेव '

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

We can change Ourselves and the Surroundings

We can change ourselves and our surroundings and create a new life if we want to -
- By changing the way we think. 

But, to alter and improve the way we think - it is necessary to change our awareness.
We must change the perception of ourselves - the image we have created of ourselves in our minds. 

Most of the time, the problem is that we look and judge everything subjectively - from our own point of view - by keeping ourselves in the center of everything. 

However, if we want to improve, then we need to change our attitude.
We need to start looking at ourselves objectively - from a neutral point of view.

As the ancient scriptures of India such as Bhagavad Geeta and Upanishads say - Be a witness.

By being a witness from a distance - as an outsider - we may be able to see a better and a real picture of ourselves.
And only then - We can improve and elevate ourselves - more easily and quickly.
                          ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Har mushkil aasaan banaa day ae Daata

Sab kay jeevan ko mehkaa day ae Daata
Banjar mein bhi phool khila 
day ae Daata  

Andhiyaara phailaa hai konay konay mein 
Aab koyi sooraj chamakaa day ae Daata  

Ham nirbal hain sharan tumhaari aaye hain
Har mushkil aasaan banaa 
day ae Daata 

Sankat mein hai padi huyi kab say duniya
Ab to koyi raah dikhaa 
day ae Daata 

Milnaa julnaa ho sab say pehlay jaisa
Qaid say ab aazaad karaa 
day ae Daata 

Phool jahaan khiltay hon pyaar mohabbat kay 
Aisa koyi baag sajaa 
day ae Daata 

Mushkil mein sab ik doojay kay kaam aayen
Sab ko aisaa paath padhaa 
day ae Daata 

Bharam veham sab dil say mit jayen 'Rajan'
Gyaan kee aisi jyoti jalaa 
day ae Daata 
                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '

हर मुश्किल आसान बना दे ऐ दाता

सब के जीवन को महका दे ऐ दाता 
बंजर में भी फूल खिला दे ऐ दाता

अँधियारा फैला है कोने कोने में
अब कोई सूरज चमका दे ऐ दाता 

हम निर्बल हैं शरण तुम्हारी आए हैं
हर मुश्किल आसान बना दे ऐ दाता

संकट में है पड़ी हुई कब से दुनिया
अब तो कोई राह दिखा दे ऐ दाता

मिलना जुलना हो सबसे पहले जैसा
क़ैद से अब आज़ाद करा दे ऐ दाता 

फूल जहाँ खिलते हों प्यार मोहब्बत के
ऐसा कोई बाग़ सजा दे ऐ दाता

मुश्किल में सब इक दूजे के काम आएं
सबको ऐसा पाठ पढ़ा दे ऐ दाता

भरम वहम सब दिल से मिट जाएं 'राजन '
ज्ञान की ऐसी ज्योति जला दे ऐ दाता
                           ' राजन सचदेव '

Saturday, December 19, 2020

How you deal with Failure ...

How you deal with failure 

                 determines how you achieve success.

Kathopanishad - Story of Nachiketa Part 7


Knowing this, Nachiketa fearlessly embarks on his journey to meet Yama, the Lord of death.

It seems there is a missing link here in the story. 
The author of the Kathopanishad does not tell what happened between the sixth and the seventh shlokas. 
In the previous shloka, Nachiketa decides to embark on his journey to meet the Yama, and in the next - after meeting Nachiketa, Yama, the Lord of death, is scolding his servants.

The same story is also narrated elsewhere in the Vedas, where we find a little more detail.  
When Nachiketa arrived at Lord Yama’s palace, he was told that the Lord was ‘out of town’ and will not be back for three days. 
Nachiketa sat in front of the house and waited for three days and nights – without any food or drink. 

The Kath Upanishad does not mention the above occurrence.
It picks up the story from this point when Lord Yama comes back and finds a pale young boy sitting at the front door of his house – hungry and thirsty. 

However, many questions arise in mind at this point. 
How did Nachiketa arrive at Lord Yama’s place? 
What route and mode of transportation did he take?
Did he meet the Lord of death in the body or in spirit - the Soul? 
The Soul does not need any food or drink. 
Since - according to the story - Nachiketa was very weak from hunger and thirst, it means he must have gone there with his physical body. 
Is it really possible for someone to visit the house of ‘Lord of Death’ in the physical body?

Also, why Lord of death was ‘out of town’… and how could he come back after three days? 
So many people die at every moment in the different parts of the world. And supposedly, the Lord of death takes the souls of everyone to the next world. 
How can he come back to his home and rest even for a second? 
But in this story, he does come back after three days and has all the time in the world to answer Nachiketa’s questions and teach him the ways of spirituality and immortality.   

The Upanishad does not answer any of these questions. 
Many will say, This is just a story and should not be taken literally. That we should simply focus on the lesson it is trying to teach.
Others would say, anything and everything is possible. 

I believe the concept of Yam Raj - also known as Dharam Raj, has been changed and distorted over time. 

According to the Sanskrit dictionary, Yam means self-control and may also be used for ways of achieving self-control. 
Patanjali Yoga Shastra talks about five Yams - five good conducts to acquire, and five ‘Niyams’ (opposite of Yam) or prohibitions to be given up.

Raj means king. Therefore, Yam-Raj means the one who is the king of self-control. 
Since the king is supposed to protect and take care of his subjects, Yam-Raj could also mean the one who teaches and helps others achieve self-control. 
Similarly, Dharam-Raj means the king or the highest authority of the Dharma. 

Both these definitions, in fact, define the personality of The True Guru. 
Who else - other than the Guru - can be the highest authority of Dharma and self-control? 
Guru - not only teaches Dharma and self-control but also takes care and helps each disciple to achieve his or her goal personally - On a ‘one-to-one’ basis - as we will see in Nachiketa’s encounter with Yam-Raj.

Later, it seems, the concept of Lord of death was also added and made synonymous with the words Yam-Raj or Dharam-Raj. Which, in fact, is also another function of the Guru.
Just like Yam Raj or the Lord of Death supposedly takes the souls from this to the other world, the Guru is supposed to take the disciple's mind from this world to the next world...that is - from the physical and materialistic world to the spiritual world.  

Somehow, over time - the picture of ‘Yam-Raj or Dharam-Raj as a kind, gentle and loving Guru got distorted and disappeared. 
And instead, a quite scary picture of Yam Raj as a cruel lord of death became popular - with big teeth and longhorns - who comes riding on a buffalo to pull the Soul out of the body.

As the next part of the story unfolds, we will find out that the Yam-Raj, whom Nachiketa visited, was not really a scary ‘Lord of death’ who cruelly pulls the souls out of bodies.

In fact, Nachiketa must have visited a very gentle, loving, kind, and benevolent but anonymous - unidentified Guru who taught him the ways of spirituality and how to become free from fear of death and achieve immortality.

                                          ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

 To be Continued ……. 

Friday, December 18, 2020

How to get rid of Jealousy

To get rid of jealousy, first, we have to find the cause of it - what makes us jealous?

The root cause of jealousy is possessiveness.

When we see that the others have what we want to possess, we become jealous of them.

When we see people with specific talents that we would like to have - others doing what we would like to get credit for, we become jealous.
When we see someone being praised and admired, we become jealous - because we want people to praise us. 
We do not want anyone else to get more attention and admiration than us.
The fact is that deep down in our hearts, we want to possess what others have.

To be free of jealousy, one has to be free from the feeling of possessiveness and ownership.
The sense of ownership creates a feeling of insecurity - a fear of losing what we have. May it be things, objects, positions, or people and our authority and control over them.

The true Gyanis or Enlightened ones are free of jealousy because they are free of possessiveness.
They know that everything in the world is subject to change.
Therefore, they do not hold on or cling to anything.
They do not carry a sense of ownership of anything or anyone, and therefore, stay free of jealousy.
Happy and at peace. 
                                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '​

India - in the Eyes of Renowned Scholars


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Experience comes with Practice

To be able to understand - and to do something, knowledge is required. 
But to feel something and make it a part of life requires experience.

And the experience does not come from reading, listening, or just knowing the path.
It can only be gained by walking the path.
So keep walking - keep going.
And eventually, we can reach the destination.

But remember where to go - to which direction - which way to walk.
It is necessary to have the correct knowledge of the way and direction to the destination.
Walking on the wrong path or in the wrong direction does not help.
It may take us farther away from the destination.

If our goal is Aadhyaatm - spirituality, then we must think in terms of Atma - Spirit
 - not in the terms of body and physical world.
                                           ' Rajan Sachdeva

अनुभव - पथ पर चलने से ही मिलेगा

किसी भी चीज को समझने या कोई भी कार्य करने के लिए ज्ञान की आवश्यकता होती है।
लेकिन उसे महसूस करने और जीवन का अंग बनाने के लिए अनुभव की आवश्यकता होती है।
और अनुभव - सिर्फ़ पढ़ने या सुनने से नहीं - पथ पर चलने से ही मिलेगा
इसलिए चलते रहिए - 

लेकिन यह भी याद रहे कि जाना कहाँ है - किस रास्ते से - किस ओर - किस दिशा की तरफ चलना है।
मंज़िल तक पहुँचने के लिए रास्ते और दिशा का सही ज्ञान होना भी आवश्यक है। 
ग़लत रास्ते पर चलने से मंज़िल नहीं मिलती - बल्कि हम मंज़िल से दूर निकल जाते हैं । 

यदि आध्यात्मिकता एवं आत्मिक शांति हमारा लक्ष्य है तो आवश्यक है कि हमारी सोच भी आत्मिक स्तर पर होनी चाहिए - न कि शारीरक और सांसारिक स्तर पर। 
                                  ' राजन सचदेव '

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Life and Death - not in our hands

For the last couple of months, I have been continually getting news of some close friends, associates, fellow devotees, and relatives departing from this world. 

Five days ago, dear sister Vijay Gupta, Jammu, and yesterday my younger cousin Rajiv Sachdev in Patiala also departed from this world.
Despite all types of Seva and medical help, they could not be prevented from leaving.

At such times, we often find ourselves helpless. We suddenly start to apprehend our inability - insufficiency and incapacity. A feeling of helplessness arises, and suddenly, a question comes to the mind that what is in our hands after all? 
Even the most powerful and wealthy become helpless at such a time. 
They come to understand that there is nothing really in their hands.

                          Karm ki gati Nyaari
Saint Guru Kabir Ji Maharaj says:
                  Karm gati taaray nahin taree
     Muni Vasishth say Gyani Dhyani, soch kay lagan dharee
     Seeta ko har lai gayo ravan, suvarn lank jaree

That the ways of karma are unique, which can not be altered.
The marriage of Devi Sita and the coronation of Lord Rama - both were done in the auspicious time.
And the Shubh Muhurta was selected by Gurudev Vashistha Muni himself - the most learned and revered Rishi of the time.
Yet, neither their marital life was successful nor his coronation.

When Bharata asked Vashistha Muni, he regretfully replied:
    Sunahu Bharat - Bhaavi prabal - Bilakh kahehu Muni Nath
    Haani- Laabh, Jeevan-Maran, Yash-Apyash Vidhi Haath

That whatever the Karma and Bhagya have prescribed remains unchanged.
That Loss and gains - life and death - fame and blame or hurts are in the hands of the creator.

Neither Lord Rama's life could be changed, nor could Lord Krishna change his life.
Nor could Lord Shiva evade the death of Sati - his wife.
Even though he is invoked by Maha Mritunjay Mantra to escape death.

Neither Ravan could change his life nor save his golden Lanka from burning, although he also had all the powers and siddhis.
Even the Gurus, Peers, Paigambars, and Prophets could not bypass the Honi - the destiny.
Even great saints like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Raman Maharishi could not eliminate their cancer.

The time and place of birth and death - body color, shape, and size - family, society, country, etc., are all pre-determined. Every person brings with him his character, nature, temperament, and previous life experience and perceptions.

Changing the fate of the former deeds is quite difficult - if not impossible.
If not all, then perhaps the consequences of some of the previous actions can be changed.

But, just as iron cuts iron, only the new karma can erase the previous karma.

So if we want to change our life, then we must change our actions - our deeds.
Today's good and favorable deeds can eliminate past deeds - or reduce their intensity.
And in addition to this, the present auspicious actions - prayers and devotion will bring good fruits and outcomes in the future.
If the thought, speech, and action - are pure, then the life and after-life will also become favorable and auspicious.
So - Think good, Speak good, and Do good.
                                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Just now - while I was about to post this blog - I received the news that  Rev. Premjit Singh Ji - father of Rev Sherry Dayal Ji - of Raleigh, North Carolina - very peacefully merged with Nirankar yesterday.

Just two weeks ago, Mr. Karanjit - Babbi Toor ji, in Toronto, also suddenly left his body and went to the other world - in a matter of a few minutes only.

जीवन मरण विधि हाथ

पिछले दो एक महीनों से लगातार कुछ मित्रों, साथियों, एवं सम्बन्धियों के इस संसार से विदा होने के समाचार मिल रहे हैं। 

कल मेरे चचेरे भाई राजीव सचदेव पटिआला, और पांच दिन पहले प्रिय बहन विजय गुप्ता जी (जम्मू) भी इस संसार से विदा हो गए। 
हर प्रकार की सेवा और मेडिकल सहायता के बावजूद भी उन्हें रोका न जा सका। 

ऐसे समय में अक़्सर ही हम स्वयं को असहाय सा पाते हैं - अपनी विवशता - लाचारी और बेबसी  का एहसास होने लगता है। 
मन में दीनता का भाव आ जाता है और सहज ही ये सवाल उठता है कि आख़िर हमारे हाथ में क्या है? 
बड़े से बड़े शक्तिशाली और धनवान भी ऐसे समय में निःसहाय हो जाते हैं और समझ जाते हैं कि कुछ भी तो नहीं है उनके हाथ में। 

                                   कर्म की गति न्यारी  
संत गुरु कबीर जी महाराज कहते हैं :
कर्म गति टारे नहीं टरी 
मुनि वसिष्ठ सों ज्ञानी ध्यानी सोच के लगन धरी 
सीता को हरि लै गयो रावण - सुवर्ण लंक जरी

अर्थात कर्म की गति न्यारी है जिसे कोई भी रोक नहीं पाया है। 
सीता विवाह और राम का राज्याभिषेक - दोनों शुभ मुहूर्त में ही किए गए थे। 
और शुभ मुहूर्त का चयन भी स्वयं उनके गुरुदेव वशिष्ठ मुनि किया था। 
फिर भी न तो उनका वैवाहिक जीवन सफल हुआ न ही राज्याभिषेक। 

जब भरत ने वशिष्ठ मुनि से पूछा तो उन्होंने उत्तर दिया :
             सुनहु भरत भावी प्रबल, बिलखि कहेहूं मुनिनाथ।
             हानि लाभ,जीवन मरण, यश,अपयश विधि हाथ || 

अर्थात, जो विधि ने निर्धारित किया है वही होकर रहता है।
न भगवान राम के जीवन को बदला जा सका, न ही भगवान कृष्ण अपने जीवन को बदल सके।   
न ही भगवान शिव अपनी पत्नी सती की मृत्यु को टाल सके - जबकि महा मृत्युंजय मंत्र के द्वारा उन्ही का आवाहन किया जाता है।
न रावण अपने जीवन को बदल पाया और न ही अपनी स्वर्ण लंका को जलने से बचा पाया हालाँकि उसे समस्त शक्तियाँ एवं ऋद्धि सिद्धियां भी प्राप्त थीं।
गुरु पीर पैगंबर भी होनी को न टाल सके।  
रामकृष्ण परमहंस एवं रमन महर्षि जैसे महान संत भी अपने कैंसर को न टाल सके। 

संत तुलसीदास जी के कथनानुसार जन्म के साथ ही जीवन-मरण, यश-अपयश, लाभ-हानि, देह का रंग एवं आकार, परिवार, समाज, देश एवं स्थान इत्यादि सब पहले से ही निर्धारित हो जाते हैं। हर व्यक्ति अपने गुण-धर्म, स्वभाव, और पूर्व जन्म के संस्कार अपने साथ लेकर आता है।

पूर्व कर्मों के फल अर्थात भाग्य को बदलना यदि असम्भव नहीं तो कठिन अवश्य है। 
यदि सभी नहीं तो कुछ कर्मों के फल को तो बदला जा सकता है। 
जैसे लोहे को लोहा काटता है इसी तरह कर्म ही कर्म को काट सकते हैं। 
इसलिए यदि अपने जीवन मे परिवर्तन चाहते हैं तो - अपने कर्म बदलें।
आज के शुभ कर्म पिछले कर्मों को समाप्त कर सकते हैं - उनकी तीव्रता को कम कर सकते हैं। 
और इस के इलावाआज के किए हुए शुभ कर्म - प्रार्थना एवं भक्ति भविष्य में अच्छे - सुखदाई एवं शांति प्रदायक फल ले कर आएंगे। 
मन-वचकर्म शुभ हों तो आने वाला समय और जीवन भी शुभ ही होगा। 
इसलिए शुभ कर्म करें - शुभ सोचें और शुभ ही बोलें। 
                                                ' राजन सचदेव '

Take a Bucket Full of water एक बाल्टी में पानी भर दो और ....

Take a bucket fill it with water -
Put your hand in clear up to the wrist

Now pull it out - the hole that remains
is a measure of how much you will be missed

The moral of this quaint example is
To do just the best that you can

Be proud of yourself, but remember
There is no indispensable man


एक बाल्टी लो  - उस में पानी भर दो  
और कुछ देर के लिए उसमें  हाथ डुबो लो 

अब अपना हाथ पानी से  बाहर निकाल लो 
पानी में जितना गढ़ा  - जितना छेद बना रह जाएगा 
उतना ही आपके जाने के बाद आपको याद किया जाएगा 

यह उदाहरण देने के पीछे केवल इतना ही भाव है 
कि जितना हो सके - अच्छा करो  - सबका भला करो 

प्रसन्न रहो - संतुष्ट रहो  - लेकिन याद रहे - 

संसार में कोई भी व्यक्ति ऐसा नहीं है जिसके बिना दुनिया नहीं चलेगी 
    - या जिसके जाने से संसार रुक जाएगा  

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

अगर दरिया में तलातुम हो

अगर दरिया में तलातुम हो, कश्ती बच भी सकती है
मगर कश्ती में तलातुम हो तो किनारा नहीं मिलता

तलातुम = तूफ़ान

शब्दार्थ :
यदि समुद्र में तूफान आ जाए तो संभावना है कि नाव बच सकती है।
लेकिन अगर नाव में ही तूफान आ जाए - 
अगर नाव के अंदर बहुत हलचल और उथल पुथल होने लगे 
तो उसका किनारे तक पहुंचना कठिन हो जाएगा ।

भावार्थ - व्याख्या : 
ज्ञानी लोग यदि संसार में रहें तो इसमें कोई कठिनाई अथवा नुकसान नहीं है।
वे दुनिया की अशांति और उथल-पुथल से प्रभावित हुए बिना अपनी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा जारी रख सकते हैं 
और अपनी मंजिल को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

लेकिन अगर संसार की दुविधाएं  - दुनिया के उथल-पुथल ज्ञानी के मन में  प्रवेश करते हैं और मन में बने रहते हैं,
तब मोक्ष के लक्ष्य को हासिल करना कठिन हो जाएगा ।
                                              ' राजन सचदेव  '

Agar dariya me Talaatum ho

Agar dariya me talaatum ho, kashti bach bhi sakti hai 
Magar kashti me talaatum ho to kinaara nahin milta 

Talatum   = Storm 

If there is a storm in the river or sea, the chances are that the boat might survive.
But if there is a storm in the boat itself - then it may not find the shore.

There is no harm for the Gyanis to live in the turbulence and turmoils of the world. 
They can still continue their spiritual journey without getting affected and attain their destination.
But if the turmoils of the world enter and stay in the mind of a Gyani, 
then it would be hard to achieve the goal of Liberation.
                                           ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Monday, December 14, 2020

ईश्वर-अनुभूति विनम्रता से प्रारम्भ होती है

जब तक आप अन्य लोगों पर हावी होने की इच्छा रखते हैं - 
उन्हें अपने आधीन - अपने कंट्रोल में रखना चाहते हैं 
या उन्हें यह दिखाना चाहते हैं कि आप आध्यात्मिक रुप से या किसी अन्य बात में उन से अधिक शक्ति रखते हैं
तो आपको मोक्ष अर्थात आत्मा की स्वतंत्रता नहीं मिलेगी।
ईश्वर-अनुभूति विनम्रता से प्रारम्भ होती है
                       ~ परमहंस योगानन्द ~

God-Awareness begins in Humbleness

So long as you have any desire to dominate other people, 
or to show them how powerful you are spiritually or in any other way - 
you will not find soul freedom.
God-awareness begins in humbleness.

                                   ~ Paramahansa Yogananda ~
                                                     (Man's Eternal Quest)

Kathopanishad - Story of Nachiketa Part 6

Nachiketa knows from his knowledge of scriptures and personal experience that death is not some unique, uncommon, or unnatural phenomenon. 
He knows that death is inevitable, but more importantly, he knows that it’s not the end of life. 
He reminds himself:
                                 अनुपश्य यथा पूर्वे, प्रतिपश्य तथा अपरे । 
                                 सस्यमिव मर्त्य: पच्यते - सस्यमिवाजायते पुनः 
    Anupashya Yathaa poorvay, Pratipashya Tathaa aparay
    Sasyam iva Mratyah Pachyatay, Sasyam Ivaajaayatay Punah.
Look at our forefathers in the past, and look at the others now.
Like the corn decays the mortal, and like corn, it is born again.
                                                                (Kathopanishad 1-6)

In the first sentence, by saying - Look at the forefathers in the past and look at others now (Anupashya - remembering the past, and PratiPashya - considering the present), Nachiketa might be contemplating on two essential points. 
1. Look at what happened to the forefathers and others in the past; 
they are all gone, and many others around are also going (dying).
2. Look at the forefathers and remember what they did, how they acted. And also, consider how the people at the present time act now.

We all know that our parents, grandparents, and other loved ones have gone or will be gone; that one day we will be gone too. Yet this feeling creates sadness and sort of depression in our minds. 
Hearing his father's words - "to death shall I give you" - must have created some sadness and depression in Nachiketa's mind too.  

Usually, sadness and depression make people go down; mentally and physically. 
But many people, when faced with the challenge of a Life and death situation- get courage, strength, and great ideas to handle the situation. 
Like many other great people in history, such as Gautam Buddha, Mahaveer Jain, and Guru Nanak, etc., this feeling of sadness or depression inspired Nachiketa to find out the Reality and the meaning of life. 

Secondly, Nachiketa wants to remember what his forefathers did - what they believed, and how they acted. 
He also wants to consider what other great and wise people of his time believe and how they act. 
Since he comes from a hereditary lineage of great Brahmans (Learned Pundits), he knows that death is not the end of this life. 
He remembers the Scriptures: 
Like the corn decays the mortal, and like corn, it’s born again.
(Just like the corn or vegetation, people also die and are born again.) 
By quoting the Scriptures, he confirms his belief in Reincarnation - that life does not end with physical death.
Reincarnation and the theory of Karma are the two main aspects of Vedantic philosophy that are followed by all the major religions of the Indian sub-continent, such as Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism, including Nirankari mission and Radha Soami, etc.
All religions believe that the Soul is immortal. 
Most Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe that the Soul will continue to live in the same physical form – but in spirit, like a shadow – along with their family and loved ones in heaven or hell for eternity. 

However, according to the Vedas and Vedanta, the Soul or Consciousness moves on to live in another body. 
After the death of the physical body - the Soul or consciousness takes another birth in a different form - different place and time - According to their Karma.  
This is known as Reincarnation. 

Even according to science, nothing is ever destroyed. 
Matter and Energy continually change their form and characteristics but are never destroyed. Everything is re-cycled. The five elements - earth, fire, water, air, and space, that body is consisted of - decay after the body dies and merge into nature to be re-cycled again.
According to Vedanta - Hinduism, and Buddhism - just like matter and energy, consciousness too, never dies. 
It also continues in a different form, in a different life. 

He also wants to know what his forefathers - people before him did and what others are doing now to cope up with this phenomena. And how to end this cycle of Reincarnation.

Considering these aspects - contemplating on these perspectives, Nachiketa fearlessly embarks on his journey to meet Yama, the angel of death.
                                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '

                                                                      (To be Continued)

Sunday, December 13, 2020

नमामीशम ईशान निर्वाणरुपं Namaameesham Eshaan

Today, on the eve of my grandson Eshaan's second birthday - I am again remembering this verse from the RudraAshtkam - which had suddenly come to my mind when I was asked to give a name for him - 2 years ago.
We give specific names to our children - with a hidden desire and hope that they will develop those qualities while growing up. 
I sincerely hope and pray that he will remember these attributes - qualities of the Almighty and will always stay connected to Nirankar - whom he is named after. 
                              Happy Birthday Eshaan

                नमामीशम ईशान निर्वाणरुपं 
               विभुः व्यापकं ब्रह्मवेदस्व
              निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं
              चिदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेऽहम् ॥१॥
                                      || रुद्राष्टकम ||
Namaameesham Eeshaan Nirvaana Roopam
Vibhum Vyaapakam Brahmavedasvaroopam
Nijam Nirgunam Nirvikalpam Nireeham
Chidaakaasham Aakaashavaasam Bhajeham

I Salute, I worship Eshaan - the Lord -
whose Form represents the state of the highest Nirvana (extinction of all desires and passions leading to the highest bliss)
Who is Omni-present - Pervading everywhere;
and All-knowing - Omniscient - whose knowledge is embodied in the core of the Vedas.
Who remains absorbed in His Own Self –
Which is Beyond the three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas),
Who is Beyond any Vikalpas (Change and Manifoldness), and which is Free from any Movement (due to desires, etc.)
Who Abides in the Chidaakaash (infinite space of consciousness); and who seems to be like Aseem - Aakaash (immeasurable, infinite and Niraakar - without form) 
- That Eshaan - that God I meditate upon.
                                                                       'Rajan Sachdeva'

Why Talk about Death?

Received a message in response to a Sher (Couplet) posted in the blog earlier today:
Dhan Nirankar Sant Ji
Why do you always write about death? Why not write about life?

Actually, most of my articles are about life - but because most of them are only in English, therefore, may not be accessible to some Hindi and Punjabi readers.

And secondly, death is an inescapable fact - an inevitable truth that cannot be denied. 
That is why all religious Holy Scriptures insist on remembering death.

Lord Krishna also tried to explain this to Arjuna at the beginning of Bhagavad Gita.
                       Jaatasya hi Dhruvo Mrityu (2:27) 
Meaning: Anyone who is born is undoubtedly destined to die.
Think of everyone as dead - because if we look from the future - going forward a hundred or hundred and fifty years from now into the future, then everyone we see or know today will be dead - would have died. It is inevitable. 
Therefore, there is no need to fear death.

A few years ago, When my mother realized that her last time was near, she called me and asked me to come to India. 
I left immediately and reached there the very next day.
Seeing me upset, she said - there is nothing to be afraid of.
Remember that when you were young, I told you not to be afraid of exams - but prepare for them instead.
If you are prepared, then you won't be afraid.
Similarly, there is no need to fear death.
That is why I have called you here to help me in the preparation of this new journey and send me off without any fear.
I was astonished by her wisdom and courage.

Although all religious scriptures of India have repeatedly mentioned this fact - and not to be afraid of death, but surprisingly, it is often found that more fear of death is present in the people of India itself.

When I came to America, I was quite surprised to see that the people here - Christians and some Muslims as well - make arrangements for their own graves - even while they are living a healthy and happy life.
Once, our friend Kanwar Sadhwal ji told us a story.
One of his Christian friends went to buy a piece of land for his own grave.
He came back shortly and said that he did not like the place.
When asked for the reason, he said that the place was too close to the highway. There will always be too much noise, and he will not be able to sleep comfortably.
So, I will look elsewhere, He said.

At first, it seemed a little funny. 
Could there be any noise heard in the grave by the dead?
But then I realized that despite being healthy and still young - about fifty years or so - he is making arrangements of his own grave - with so much enthusiasm - without any fear.
However, in our social circles, people start trembling as soon as they hear the name of death.
"Do not talk about such inauspicious things', they would say.

Sheikh Farid said:
              "Farida Gore Nimani Sadd kary - Nigharian ghar aao
                Sar par ethay aavna - mauton kya dar aao"

"Farid says that the grave is calling you - which is the final abode.
Everyone will have to get there - why be afraid of death?"

Another thought:
It is also true that if death is remembered, then unnecessary greed, jealousy, and pride are eliminated in life.
And even if not abolished completely, their effect would be much less.
That is why our elders often used to say:
                              Always Remember two things - 
                                    God and death - Always.
                                                            'Rajan Sachdeva'

मौत की चर्चा क्यों ?

आज सुबह के ब्लॉग में लिखे एक शेर के जवाब में एक महात्मा का मैसेज मिला :
धन निरंकार संत जी,
आप हमेशा मौत के बारे में ही क्यों लिखते हैं ? जीवन के बारे में क्यों नहीं लिखते ?
पहली बात -
मेरे अधिकतर लेख तो जीवन के बारे में ही होते हैं - लेकिन क्योंकि उनमें से अधिकांश English में होते हैं
इसलिए शायद वह हिंदी और पंजाबी पाठकों तक नहीं पहुंच पाते।

और दूसरी बात यह है कि मौत एक अपरिहार्य तथ्य - एक अटल सच्चाई है जिसे नकारा नहीं जा सकता।
इसीलिए सभी धर्म ग्रंथों ने मृत्यु को हमेशा याद रखने पर ज़ोर दिया है।

भगवान कृष्ण ने भगवद गीता के आरम्भ में ही अर्जुन को यह बात समझाने का प्रयास किया
                              जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्यु (2 -27)
अर्थात जिसका जन्म हुआ है उसकी मृत्यु निश्चित है। 
समझ लो कि सब मरे ही हुए हैं - क्योंकि यदि भविष्य की दृष्टि से देखें - भविष्य में सौ डेढ़-सौ साल आगे जाकर देखें तो आज हमें जो भी दिखाई दे रहे हैं सब मरे हुए होंगे - मृत्यु को प्राप्त हो चुके होंगे। इसलिए मृत्यु से डरने की ज़रुरत नहीं है। 

जब मेरी माता जी को एहसास हुआ कि उनका अंतिम समय निकट है तो उन्होंने मुझे फ़ोन करके भारत आने के लिए कहा। मैं अगले दिन ही वहां उनके पास पहुँच गया। मुझे परेशान देख कर उन्होंने कहा - घबराने और डरने की कोई बात नहीं है। याद है कि बचपन में तुम्हें कहा जाता था कि परीक्षा से डरो नहीं - बल्कि ठीक से तैयारी करो।ठीक से तैयारी हो जाएगी तो परीक्षा का डर नहीं रहेगा।
बस इसी तरह मौत से डरने की ज़रुरत नहीं।
मैंने इसीलिए तुम्हें यहाँ बुलाया है कि मेरे इस नए सफ़र की तैयारी में मेरी सहायता करो और किसी डर - भय के बिना मुझे विदा करो।

हालाँकि भारत के सभी धर्म ग्रंथों ने बार बार इस बात का - अर्थात मौत से न डरने का ज़िकर किया है लेकिन बड़ी हैरानी की बात है कि अक़सर भारत के लोगों में ही मौत का ज़्यादा डर पाया जाता है।अमेरिका में आकर पहले पहल ये देख कर मुझे बहुत हैरानी हुई कि यहां के लोग - अर्थात क्रिश्चियन और कुछ मुस्लिम लोग भी जीते जी ही अपनी क़बर का इंतज़ाम स्वयं ही कर लेते हैं।
एक बार हमारे एक मित्र कंवर सधवाल जी ने बताया कि उनके एक अन्य ईसाई मित्र अपनी ही क़बर के लिए जगह खरीदने गए थे। 
वापिस आ कर कहने लगे कि जगह पसंद नहीं आई। 
कारण पूछने पर कहने लगे कि वो जगह हाईवे के बहुत क़रीब है। मुझे शांति पसंद है और वहां हमेशा गाड़ियों का शोर रहेगा। मैं आराम से सो नहीं पाऊंगा। इसलिए कोई और जगह देखूंगा। 

सुन कर पहले तो हंसी आई कि मौत के बाद क़बर में क्या कहीं शोर सुनाई देगा?
लेकिन फिर ध्यान आया कि स्वस्थ होते हुए भी पचास साल की उमर में ही उन्हें मौत का एहसास है और वह बिना किसी ख़ौफ़ के अपनी क़बर का इंतज़ाम कर रहे हैं। हमारे यहाँ तो मौत का नाम लेते ही लोग कांप जाते हैं और कहने लगते हैं कि ऐसी अशुभ बातें मत करो। 

शेख फ़रीद के कथन अनुसार :
                फ़रीदा गोर निमाणी सद्द करे निघरिआं घर आओ 
                सर पर एत्थे आवणा मौतों क्या डरआओ 
और यह भी सत्य है कि मृत्यु याद रहे तो जीवन में अनावश्यक लोभ, ईर्ष्या और अभिमान इत्यादि समाप्त हो सकते हैं। 
और अगर समाप्त न भी हों तो कम ज़रुर हो सकते हैं। 
इसलिए हमारे बुज़ुर्ग अक़सर कहा करते थे कि :
                 ईश्वर और मौत को हमेशा याद रखो 
                                                                  ' राजन सचदेव '

नहला धुला के मिट्टी को Nehlaa dhulaa kay mitti ko

अहबाब का सुलूक़ भी कितना अजीब था
नहला धुला के मिट्टी को मिट्टी में रख दिया 

Aehbaab ka salooq bhi kitna ajeeb tha
Nehlaa dhulaa kay mitti ko mitti me rakh diya 
                             (Writer - Unknown)

Saturday, December 12, 2020

जब पुकारा काल ने Jab Pukaara Kaal nay (When Death Calls)

जब  पुकारा  काल ने  तो  सब  पड़ा  रह  जाएगा 
धन दौलत और कोठी बंगला सब यहां रह जाएगा 
कौन भला ले कर गया है  'राजन ' कुछ संसार से 
इस धरा का इस धरा पर ही धरा रह जायेगा
                                          ' राजन सचदेव '

Jab pukaara Kaal nay to sab padaa reh jaayega 
Dhan daulat aur kothi banglaa sab yahan reh jaayega 
Kaun bhalaa lay kar gayaa hai 'Rajan' kuchh sansaar say
Is dharaa ka is dharaa par hee dharaa reh jaayega  
                                           ' Rajan Sachdeva '
Dharaa       -    Earth, world

                                                       English Translation

When the call from death comes, all activities would be stopped at once.
Wealth, properties, and all belongings - everything will be left behind.
O' Rajan - has anyone ever taken anything from this world with them?
What belongs to this world will remain in this world - 
(everyone will leave from here empty-handed - all alone)

Friday, December 11, 2020

A Beautiful Prayer एक उत्तम प्रार्थना 

O' God ! 
Please Grant me the serenity -
To accept the things I cannot change 
Courage to change the things I can
and Wisdom to know the difference

हे प्रभु 

जिसे बदला जा सकता है उसे बदलने की शक्ति प्रदान करें
जो बदला नहीं जा सकता उसे स्वीकार करने की क्षमता एवं सामर्थ्य प्रदान करें
और ऐसी विवेक बुद्धि और योग्यता प्रदान करें -
जिस से हम परिस्थितियों का सही ढंग से अवलोकन करके
आवश्यकता अनुसार प्रतिक्रिया एवं कर्म कर सकें 
                                          ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Remembering Satguru Baba Gurbachan Singh ji

Satguru Baba Gurbachan Singh ji 
A Spiritual Master and a Great Social Reformer
December 10, 1930 - April 24, 1980


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...