Friday, April 13, 2018

Younger vs Older Generation

During a conference on the major differences between generations, a smug and arrogant student took the time to explain an older gentleman, why it is impossible for the older generation to understand his generation: 
"You grew up in a different world, actually almost primitive," he said in a loud arrogant voice - loud enough to be heard about. 
"Young people today grew up with television, internet, cell phones, jet planes, space travel. 
Our space probes have visited Mars. We have ships with nuclear power and electric and hydrogen cars. Computers with process speed of light and many much more. 
Did you have any of these when you were growing up?" 

The old man calmly responded by saying: 
"You're right, my son, we did not have any of those things when we were young ..... 
  So we invented all these things!" 
"Now tell me! you, arrogant son of a...., while enjoying all these things that we invented... 
 What are you doing for the next generation?"

                                    (By: Unknown writer)
I believe this example might be true in every field of life. Not only in terms of inventing new technologies and new gadgets for luxury, or appliances for convenience – it might be true for the teachers and leaders – for social, political and religious or spiritual organizations as well. We enjoy the theories and philosophies of life - that the older generations discovered after years of hard work of thinking, researching and developing their ideologies. They left their life long experiences in the form of literature and Scriptures for us - the newer generation. 
We talk about their achievements and faults as well. Some validate their concepts with reverence, and some question – not only their perceptions but their integrity as well - and some may even make fun of them.
But nevertheless – the older generation did what they could, and they left their work; their inventions and discoveries for us to enjoy and to improve further – for us to pick up from where they left.

Now – the question is what are we doing – for ourselves and to guide the next generation? 
                                                  'Rajan Sachdeva'

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