Friday, April 27, 2018


All religions and Holy Scriptures - all saints and scholars claim and preach that “we are one".
But yet, we see so many divisions everywhere based on race, creed, skin-color, economical differences, profession, nationality, political views, upper and lower classes etc. 

Christianity preaches - We are all children of God. And God loves everyone equally.
In the Quran, Allah says: We have sent our messengers in every community in the world (to unite them)
Hindus believe: 
                     Mujh me Ram, tujh me Ram – sab main Ram samaya.
 “There is Ram (God) Within me and there is God within you – Ram (one Almighty God) prevails in everyone”.
According to Gurubani: 
                    सबै घट राम बोले रामा बोले - राम बिना को बोले रे”
                   “Sabai ghat Ram bolay, Raama bolay – Ram bina ko bolay re?”
Ram (God) speaks through every form (body) - who speaks other Than Ram (god)?

                  "Iko noor di upaj hai saari – ik da sagal pasaara hai” – Avtar Bani
                  “Everything is creation of the same Divine light (of God)
                   The one and only God prevails all around”
In fact, there are hundreds of such references available in almost all Holy books - these are just a few quotes for sample.
As we can see clearly from the above references – all religions claim oneness of whole humanity and yet we see more divisions on the grounds of Religions and faith itself. 
So, naturally a question arises in mind – 
“is it ever possible to attain Oneness? Oneness of whole humanity - and to see oneness in everything?”
Great scholars of the past and the psychologists have tried to find the ways of breaking the walls and uniting the divided humanity. One good solution was to preach the concept of Oneness of God. 
Logically, when God; the Father is one - then all children must also be one – which makes everyone a part of one big family. To create an emotional bonding; a feeling of belonging to each other, the earlier founders of the religions encouraged their followers to stay connected with like-minded people. 
Being part of a harmonious and loving community helps us to dissolve our barriers and limiting beliefs. Community, not only helps us to open up to new and different ideas – it supports and strengthen our new beliefs and helps us to grow and implement the feelings of Oneness. Not only it helps us on our own journey, it also allows us the opportunity to serve others - which keeps us stay connected with the sense of Oneness.
Therefore, all great saints and scholars - Prophets and messengers - and later, their prominent followers felt a need of starting their own communities – loving and harmonious - with a sense of belonging to each other. 
Jesus travelled with his twelve most devout followers and stayed with the people who believed in him and accepted his ideology – Buddha was followed everywhere by hundreds of his Bhikshus (disciples) in a group which later came to be known as ‘Sangha’. A similar concept was adopted by the others - such as Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and the newer sects in the form of Satsangs. Prophet Muhammad encouraged his followers to gather for collective namaaz - group prayers.
Because there was love, harmony and a sense of security by being with like-minded people around, more and more people got attracted towards such communities and joined them. Gradually, these groups became bigger – and eventually became new communities. They adopted new names and separated themselves from the other old communities. Though unintentionally, instead of breaking the dividing walls and uniting the divided humanity – new communities, new divisions and new walls were formed. 
Moreover – with the passage of time, such communities became much bigger and the differences started to creep in within each of these new-formed communities as well – which led to even further divisions.  
So, the very purpose of creating or founding these communities was lost. 

And the question still remains– “is it ever possible to attain Oneness?”
Vedanta says: Yes …. By direct, and individual experience. 
Only if we are able to go beyond the mind, intellect, and ego. 
As long as there is a sense of duality of ‘me and you’ or ‘we and they’ – 
As long as there is a feeling that we are separate or different, Oneness cannot be achieved. 
Because Oneness does not mean becoming one with the like-minded ones only – 
it means coming together of all opposites. 
                                              ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. This is actually what’s going on in the entire world actually. If only there really was true oneness but still we must try. Very well said Mahapursho ji.

  2. Beautiful Uncle Ji ! You explained the very origin of the Satsang and the Social aspect of faith. We must learn how to balance both the individual spiritual journey while enjoy the community. The other thing is the feeling of holier than thou or ego that our community is best.

  3. Love this. A warning in the message that those not belonbging to the sects also need to be seen equally. Very few dare say this.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...