Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Strange Weather and its Effects

It’s almost middle of April – and it’s been snowing here every morning for last 4 days. 
Early morning, when I open the window blinds – I see the ground, the road 
and the naked trees around the house –all covered with pure white snow. 
I stand against the window - to enjoy this beautiful scene.  
It looks so serene, pure and beautiful - and by simply and quietly looking at this spectacular show of nature through the window - my mind also becomes still and calm – quiet, serene and tranquilized.
I become so peaceful. 

It snows early in the morning. 
But then - later in the day, when the sun comes out and throws its heat over it– 
the snow quickly melts down. All that pure white and beautiful snow quickly disappears -
and the ground, roads and trees - everything becomes naked again. 

My mind starts wondering – was it the snow? 
That, it was not strong - or cold enough to handle the heat? 
Or was it the temperature; the conditions in the environments,
- that the snow could not have been able to maintain it’s cool?

And the same thing happens to my mind.
It was so calm, serene and peaceful in the early morning. 
But later, the moment someone throws some heat, it loses it’s cool.

I wonder again– is it my mind? That, it is not strong enough to handle the heat? 
Or is it the conditions – the surroundings - the environment around me -
that my mind is not able to maintain its cool?
Or Perhaps - it’s a combination of both? 
                                    ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. I know it is not because of me.

  2. of course it could not be you.... I don't even know who you are...����

  3. Should I say what an observation or realization of the situation.
    The Strange Weather and it's Effects-
    good to read and think about it.
    Sandeep Oberoi

  4. It’s always mind over matter. How you deal with it all within you. ����

  5. Well ! —-It’s not easy.
    I think it’s matter of remembering the Gyana and practicing how not to react - and hoping that someday we can conquer and control the mind �� Bhagavad Gita also says that mind can be controlled with practice.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...