Tuesday, April 24, 2018

She looked at me with Her eyes all knowing

She looked at me with Her eyes all knowing,
Like poetry, the divinity, just kept on flowing.
She X-rayed my soul and looked deep within,
Saw the goodness, buried deep under the sin.
That's who you are, that is why you were born,
Humans were the highest of creation to adorn
I said Lord, please tell me where I went wrong,
She said Son, you begun, by not being strong!
Had you kept faith and followed what I'd said,
You would not have been, messed up instead;
You chose your own path, own selfish desire,
You walked out of the Truth and became a liar.
You twisted and turned and churned to gain,
You took and you cheated, you did not abstain
You forgot I was watching, followed your mind
You forgot to be human, you forgot to be kind.
I had no excuses, I looked down at my feet...
My Lord said listen... I'm in your heartbeat.
See me in each moment, I exist in each space,
There is nowhere I'm not, see me in each face
I began looking and now with this new sight, 
Darkness was gone and there was only light.
O Lord, I am now floating, flying and free -
A shadow of my old former self, of my 'me'
It makes no difference now I watch all unfold,
It makes no difference if it's cotton or gold.
I'm accepting, regardless, in all situations,
Keep me true in my dealings, in all relations.
Make me your vessel, scrape out my thinking,
Make me pure, save me Lord, from sinking.
You know my journey, my future, my past...
My failings, mistakes, that'd leave one aghast.
Please bless me that, from this moment now; 
No one sees me, then You and questions how.
You've entered my being, O'Abundant, Divine,
No one a stranger, for now You Lord, are mine.

                      By: "Sid Kundi" UK

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