Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Commentary on "Phir bhi nahin badali meri taqdeer"

On the suggestion of a great learned reader, here is my commentary on my own Ghazal that was posted yesterday: 

Suni  Ruhaaniyat kee baarhaa  taqreer  aaj tak
Kyon phir bhi nahin badlee meri taqdeer aaj tak ?

kyon ab tak hai dil me farq apnay aur begaanay ka ?
Rahi chubhtee ye dil me baat ban ke teer aaj tak

'Haqeeqat' ko main sunanay aur sunaanay tak hi reh gyaa
Haqeeqat me na ban paaya hai man faqeer aaj tak 

Chalnaa to hamen hee hai - Guru to raah dikhaata hai
Padhee Vedon - granthon me yahi tehreer aaj tak 

Jhooth bol nahin saktaa Main teri mehfil me aaqaa
Mitaa paaya nahin main hasad ki lakeer aaj tak

Kisi ka dosh nahin -  apni hi kamzori hai 'Rajan'
Main khwaahishon ki kaat paaya na zanzeer aaj tak

Many times, we start wondering that even though we have been going to Satsangs, Temples and Gurudwaras for years and years and yet our life has not changed.

The answer is simple -  because our thinking has not yet changed.
The ideology of ‘oneness’ – “Ek Pita ekas kay hum baarak” (We are all children of the same Father – God) has not yet become a part of us. We still think in terms of ‘we or us and them’; such as  Sikhs and Non-Sikhs or Hindus and Non-Hindus or Nirankari and Non-Nirankaris etc. The feelings of separation and differentiation of ‘we and them’ is still there in our hearts and minds. 

Why hasn’t it changed? 
Again, the answer is simple: - we have not gone beyond the level of listening to and talking about the spirituality. We go to attend Satsangs as a routine or a ritual. We attend lectures or seminars on spirituality for the sake of knowledge or simply for entertainment. We listen and talk about the high ideals of spiritual teachings, but only at the superficial levels of the intellect. Unless these higher moral teachings are absorbed in the deeper levels of consciousness, our normal thought process will not change. 

It’s a natural human tendency to look for shortcuts. If we don’t feel like cooking, we go to a restaurant where we can pay and get the readymade food. There was a time when people used to sew their own clothes. Then came the tailors – we could pay them to sew for us and now we can simply buy readymade clothes. Like numerous other such examples, we try to apply the same concept in the field of spirituality as well. We go to the religious and spiritual places or to the Guru and expect that they will do for us whatever is needed and we will achieve the Nirvana or Moksha and everlasting happiness by offering them donations and some services. But unfortunately, it does not work that way in this field. 
Guru, a wise saint or the guide can only show us the right path. All Holy Scriptures also confirm that 'we need to walk the path ourselves' and find our destination. Even in the physical world, we can buy ready-made food but no one can eat for us. We have to eat ourselves to survive. 

We may falsely claim that we have risen above the vices such as jealousy and ego, but can we hide it from the All-knowing, All-pervading Almighty? First requirement to solve a problem is to recognize that there is a problem. If we honestly realize within our hearts, and admit that we still have some feelings of jealousy towards others - then only we can try to get rid of it. 

Instead of blaming others for our problems and misfortunes, we need to realize that its our own desire to gain power which binds us with the shackles of unending chain of Karma that creates our destiny. 

                                          'Rajan Sachdeva'


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

शुक्रिया Shukriya

जो निभा दे साथ जितना - उस साथ का भी शुक्रिया
छोड़ दे जो बीच में ही  -  उस हाथ का भी शुक्रिया

Jo nibhaa day saath jitna - us saath ka bhi shukriya 
Chhod day jo beech me hee - us haath ka bhi shukriya 

Monday, January 29, 2018

फिर भी नहीं बदली मेरी तक़दीर Phir bhi nahin badali meri taqdeer

                                                        Scroll down for Roman Script 

सुनी रूहानियत की बारहा तक़रीर आज तक
क्यों फिर भी नहीं बदली मेरी तक़दीर आज तक ?

क्यों अब तक है दिल में फ़र्क़अपने और बेगाने का ?
रही चुभती ये दिल में बात बन के तीर आज तक 

'हक़ीक़त ' को मैं सुनने और सुनाने तक ही रह गया
हक़ीक़त में न बन पाया है मन फ़क़ीर आज तक 

चलना तो हमें ही है - गुरु तो राह दिखाता है 
पढ़ी  वेदों -ग्रंथों में यही  तहरीर आज तक 

झूठ बोल नहीं सकता मैं तेरी महफ़िल में आक़ा
मिटा पाया 
नहीं मैं हसद की लकीर आज तक

किसी का दोष नहीं - अपनी ही कमज़ोरी है 'राजन '
मैं ख़्वाहिशों की काट पाया ना ज़ंज़ीर आज तक
                                    'राजन सचदेव '

बारहा                     बार बार
तस्सवुफ़                   आध्यात्मिक,  रूहानियत, Spirituality 
तक़रीर                     भाषण Speech, Lecture 
तहरीर                    लिखित, लिखी हुई  Written
आक़ा                     मालिक,  Lord
हसद                        ईर्ष्या, मत्सर Jealousy 


Suni  Ruhaaniyat kee baarhaa  taqreer  aaj tak
Kyon phir bhi nahin badlee meri taqdeer aaj tak ?

kyon ab tak hai dil me farq apnay aur begaanay ka ?
Rahi chubhtee ye dil me baat ban ke teer aaj tak

'Haqeeqat' ko main sunanay aur sunaanay tak hi reh gyaa
Haqeeqat me na ban paaya hai man faqeer aaj tak 

Chalnaa to hamen hee hai - Guru to raah dikhaata hai
Padhee Vedon - granthon me yahi tehreer aaj tak 

Jhooth bol nahin saktaa Main teri mehfil me aaqaa
Mitaa paaya nahin main hasad ki lakeer aaj tak

Kisi ka dosh nahin -  apni hi kamzori hai 'Rajan'
Main khwaahishon ki kaat paaya na zanzeer aaj tak
                                           'Rajan Sachdeva'

Baarahaa                             Quite Often 

Tassawuf                             Spirituality - Adhyaatmik, Ruhaaniyat
Taqreer                                Speech,  Lecture 
Tehreer                                Written
Aaqaa                                   Lord
Hasad                                  Jealousy 

Sunday, January 28, 2018


1. There was once a king who was very jealous of the king of the neighboring country - whose kingdom was bigger than his, had more wealth and his people were more prosperous. One day he ordered to build a huge wall to stop the river that flowed through his land to the neighboring country. 
Result.... His own country got flooded and destroyed.

2. There was once a man who prayed daily to a particular god's deity that was placed among many other statues in the temple. One day, he noticed that the incense he lit for his deity drifted over all other statues as well. All of them were getting the benefit of his efforts! 
He built a paper cone over the incense burner so that all the fragrance would be directed only towards his favorite deity; right at the nose of the statue. 
Result:...too much and direct contact of smoke from the incense turned the face of his god's statue black.  

3. Once there was a rich man who had a big house in the city. But the next house – whose walls were adjoining to his house - looked bigger and more elegant than his house.
One night, the rich man set his own house on fire – hoping that the adjoining house of his neighbor will catch fire. 
Result … his own house was burnt and destroyed. 

Friday, January 26, 2018

On January 26 - Hai Aaj Kuchh to Baat है आज कुछ तो बात

है आज कुछ तो बात कि  बेसाख़्ता 'हसरत '
याद आती है रह रह के अज़ीज़ाने वतन की 

Hai aaj kuchh to baat ke be-saakhtah 'Hasrat' 
Yaad aati hai reh reh ke azizaane vatan ki
                                                         By: Hasarat 

Be-saakhtah              Suddenly 
'Hasrat '                     here it's the Name of the writer 
Azizaane vatan         Dear country (one's own Mother country)

कुछ ऐसा कर चलो Kuchh Aesa Kar Chalo

आए हो निभाने जब  किरदार ज़मीं पर
कुछ ऐसा कर चलो कि ज़माना मिसाल दे

Aaye ho nibhaanay jab kirdaar zameen par
Kuchh aesa kar chalo ki zamaana misaal day

Thursday, January 25, 2018

सब को ये ग़ुमां है कि हम Sab ko ye guman hai ki hum

सब को ये ग़ुमां है  कि हम भी हैं कोई चीज़  
मुझको है ये नाज़  कि मैं कुछ भी नहीं हूँ 

Sab ko ye guman hai ki hum bhi hain koi cheez 
Mujhko hai ye naaz ki main kuchh bhi nahin hoon 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Achieving Happiness - The Scientific Way

“I am rich, healthy, and I have achieved almost everything I wanted to achieve.
Why am I still not happy and still not satisfied?”

Human happiness, according to science, is caused by four basic chemicals:
Dopamine, Endorphins, Serotonin and Oxytocin.

Being in a positive state has significant impact on our motivation, productivity, and well-being. 
Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphin are the quartet responsible for our happiness. Each of these chemicals has a special job to do and it turns off when the job is done. Many events can trigger these neurotransmitters in our brain. Here is how they work:

Dopamine motivates us to take action toward goals, desires, and needs, and gives a surge of reinforcing pleasure when achieving them. Procrastination, self-doubt, and lack of enthusiasm are linked with low levels of dopamine.
We all have needs and desires, and we all want to become rich so we can fulfill our needs and desires.
On our journey to become rich, we probably completed many tasks and goals; such as proper education, a nice job or a well-established business etc. Then we started buying all the things we always wanted - Nice cars, beautiful clothes, and a perfect home. Every task and goal we completed, released dopamine in our brain -which made us feel happy - temporarily.

Endorphins are released in response to pain and stress, and help to alleviate anxiety and depression.
On our journey to become fit - to cope with the pain of physical exercise - our body releases endorphins. 
The surging and euphoric “runners high” during and after a vigorous run are a result of endorphins. Similar to morphine, it acts as an analgesic and sedative, diminishing our perception of pain. When we start to enjoy exercise - as we get into it – it’s the endorphins that contributes to our happiness - Temporarily.

Serotonin flows when you feel significant or important. Loneliness and depression appears when serotonin is absent. It’s perhaps one reason why people fall into gang and criminal activities.
The culture brings experiences that facilitate serotonin release. It seems that the traditional cultural activities such as group dances, prayers, worships and rituals performed in groups – were meant to help release serotonin in the participants’ brains. But like the other chemicals, it also turns off after the event is over, or when the feeling of being 'significant and important' is gone.
Unhealthy attention-seeking behavior can also be a cry for what serotonin brings.
Oxytocin creates intimacy, trust, and builds healthy relationships. It’s released when we are in the joyful company of people we trust - by the emotions of love and binding between mother and child - family and friends. Animals will reject their offspring when the release of oxytocin is blocked.
The cultivation of oxytocin is essential for creating strong bonds and improved social interactions.

         It turns out that human happiness is incomplete without all four chemicals constantly being released in the brain. Many events can trigger these neurotransmitters, but rather than being in the passenger seat, there are ways we can deliberately cause them to flow. We might not have a money tree, but we can have a happiness tree. Here are some simple ways to hack into our positive neurochemicals:

To increase Dopamine, break big goals down into little pieces — rather than only allowing our brains to celebrate when we’ve hit the finish line, we can create a series of little finish lines which releases dopamine. And it’s crucial to actually celebrate — Gather some friends, throw a party, or head to your favorite restaurant whenever you meet a small goal. As an employer or leader, recognizing the accomplishments of your team, appreciate their efforts. Admiring and praising them in front of others, or giving a bonus, will allow them to have a dopamine hit and increase future motivation and productivity.
Create new goals before achieving your current one. That ensures a continual flow for experiencing dopamine.

Physical distress and pain triggers Endorphin. But we don't always need to create pain to enjoy the endorphin. Laughing and crying stimulate small bursts of endorphin. Therefore, along with regular exercise, laughter is one of the easiest ways to induce endorphin release. Even the anticipation and expectation of laughter, like attending or watching a comedy show, increases levels of endorphin. Taking your sense of humor to work, forwarding that funny email, and finding several things to laugh at during the day is a great way to induce endorphin.
The smell of vanilla and lavender has also been linked with the production of endorphins. The temples and other worship places in India always have continuously burning Agarbattis - the scented incense sticks to create the aroma in environment.  

Serotonin flows when we feel significant or important.
We cannot control the world and the importance it gives us. But we can train our brain to feel confident about ourselves. Reflecting on past significant achievements allows the brain to re-live the experience. Our brain has trouble telling the difference between what’s real and imagined, so it produces serotonin in both cases. It’s another reason why gratitude practices are popular. They remind us that we are valued and have much to value in life. If you need a serotonin boost during a stressful day, take a few moments to reflect on a past achievements and victories.
Serotonin can also be released when we act in a way that benefits others. When we give to causes beyond ourselves and our own benefit. Because, regardless of how selflessly we might do something to help others, deep down, it makes us feel important – makes us feel happy.
That’s why we often see billionaires turning to charity when they have already achieved everything they wanted to, and experienced everything they wanted to in life.
They’ve had enough dopamine from material pleasures, now they need the serotonin.

Oxytocin is released when we become close to other human beings. Often referred to as the cuddle hormone, a simple way to keep oxytocin flowing is to give someone a hug. When we hug a friend, or shake someone’s hand, oxytocin is released in varying amounts.
Oxytocin is easy to release. It’s all about becoming more social!
Share your wealth with your friends and family to create amazing experiences. When someone receives a gift, their oxytocin levels can rise. You can strengthen work and personal relationships through a simple birthday or anniversary gift. Strengthen your human relationships by reaching out and helping those who need help - in any way you can.
Laugh, love, cooperate, and play with others.

Occasionally, we all experience some levels of happiness contributed by dopamine and endorphins.
Perhaps we need to work on releasing more Serotonin and Oxytocin on regular basis. This is why, in order to achieve happiness, most religious and organized spiritual organizations stress upon focusing more on these two aspects of life: 
               "Social connections and contribution towards others". 

Above article is based on few different articles I read on this subject by different authors on the web.
                       ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Please explain what this couplet means to you.

Please explain what the first couplet means to you. Thanks!
न जाने  डूबने वाले ने  क्या कहा  समंदर से 
कि लहरें आज तक साहिल पे अपना सर पटकती हैं  

Na Jaane doobnay waalay ne kya kahaa samander say
Ke Lehren aaj tak saahil pay apnaa sar patakati hain

                                                         (Writer: Unknown)

Poetry, as we all know, is very different than prose – especially the sher and Ghazal style – where the poet has to convey the whole message just in two lines. Another interesting feature of Indian and Persian poetry is its metaphoric style. Quite often, the Shaayer or poet chooses to convey the message in an indirect way or by choosing intricate multi-meaning words, so that it could be translated in few different ways. Therefore, sometimes it is very difficult to understand what exact thought the poet had when he or she wrote it. But that is the beauty of this kind of poetry that the listeners or readers can translate it in their own way and relate it to themselves - to their own experience. 

It’s really hard to know what the writer of this sher had in his mind when he wrote it. 
However, in the field of spirituality, it could be taken as:
"Who knows what exactly the people who drowned themselves into the ocean of knowledge – in the realm of spirituality said 
And those, who are floating on the surface like the waves – keep struggling to understand the true meaning – by going back and forth". 
As Kabeer ji said:
जिन खोजा तीन पाया गहरे पानी पैठ 
मैं बौरी ढूँढ़न गई रही किनारे बैठ 
“Jin khoja tin paayeaa geharay paani paaith
Main bauri dhoondan gayee, rahee kinaare baith”

“Those who went deep into the ocean, found the treasures.
  I also went in search but stayed only at the banks” 

There is no way to find out or feel exactly what Kabeer ji had experienced himself by going deep into the ocean of Gyana, Prem and Bhakti. Scholars, till today, keep on trying to explain his experiences in so many different ways. There are so many different commentaries written on his works – many have written thesis for their Ph.D. on his poetry and yet it’s like hitting their heads on the shore. Because it is extremely hard to feel what Kabeer ji felt – just by reading his couplets and sayings. 

This is one way to understand it but as I said, many other meanings can be derived by individuals according to their own interest and understanding. 
                                ‘Rajan Sachdeva’ 

कुछ अजीबो-ग़रीब मन्ज़र - Strange Scenes (Roman Script)

बेज़ुबान  पत्थर पे लदे हैं करोड़ों के गहने मंदिरों  में 
देहलीज पे इक रूपये के लिए नन्हे हाथों को तरसते देखा है।

सजे थे छप्पन भोग - फल  और मेवे इक मूरत के आगे 
बाहर एक बूढ़ी अम्मा को भूख से तड़प के मरते देखा है ।

वो दे आया एक लाख रूपये गुरद्वारे में हाल के लिए
घर में सौ रूपये के लिए उसे काम वाली बाई बदलते देखा है।

लदी हुई है रेशमी चादरों से वो हरी मज़ार  - मगर  
बाहर इक फ़कीर को मैंने ठंड से ठिठुर के मरते देखा है।

सुना है चढ़ा था सलीब पे कोई दुनिया का दर्द मिटाने को
आज चर्च में इक बाप को बेटे की मार से बिलखते देखा है।

जलाती रही जो दिन रात देसी घी की अखन्ड ज्योति  
आज अँधेरे में उस माँ को अकेले मौत से लड़ते देखा है ।

जिसने जीते जी माँ बाप को न दी कभी भर पेट रोटी 
उनके मरने के बाद उसे गुरद्वारे में लंगर लगाते देखा है 
                                                        "अज्ञात "

Bezubaan  patthar pe laday hain karodon ke gehanay mandiron  mein 
Dehaleej pe ik rupaye ke liye nanhay haathon ko tarasatay dekha hai.

Sajay the chhappan bhog - phal  aur maivay ik moorat ke aage 
Baahar ek boodhee amma ko bhookh se tadap ke martay dekha hai 

Vo day aaya ek laakh rupaye gurudwaaray mein haal ke liye
Ghar mein sau rupaye ke liye usay kaam vaalee baayee badaltay dekha hai

Ladee huee hai reshmee chaadaron se vo haree mazaar  - magar  
Baahar  ek fakeer ko maine thand say thithur ke martay dekha hai

Suna hai chadha tha saleeb pe koyi duniya ka dard mitaane ko
Aaj church mein ik baap ko bete kee maar se bilakhatay dekha hai

Jalaatee rahee jo din raat desi ghee kee akhand jyoti  
Aaj andhere mein us maan ko akele maut se ladtay dekha hai 

Jis nay jeetay jee maan baap ko na dee kabhee bhar pait rotee 
Un ke marne ke baad use gurudwaaray mein langar lagaate dekha hai 
                                        (Writer: unknown)

Monday, January 22, 2018

Do your work, Then quietly step back

Filling to fullness is not as good as stopping at the right moment.
Over sharpening a blade causes its edge to be lost.
Line your home with treasures and you won't be able to defend it.
Accumulate possessions, establish positions, display your pride: 
And soon enough disaster drives you to your knees.

Heaven and Earth are not sentimental; 
They regard all things as dispensable.
The sage isn't sentimental either
He views all forms as ephemeral; short-lived and transitional.

Tao is like bellows: empty but inexhaustible. 
Too much talk about it evaporates your understanding. 

This is the way of heavens: 
Do your work, then quietly step back.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

शायरी - चंद शेर Shayeri - Chand Sher (Few Couplets)

न जाने  डूबने वाले ने  क्या कहा  समंदर से 
कि लहरें आज तक साहिल पे अपना सर पटकती हैं  

Na Jaane doobnay waalay ne kya kahaa samander say

Ke Lehren aaj tak saahil pay apnaa sar patakati hain
                                                         (Writer: Unknown)

बड़ी मुख़्तसर वजह है मेरे झुक के मिलने की

मिट्टी से बना हूँ - जचता नही मुझ पर ग़रूर  

Badi mukhtsar vajah hai mere jhuk kay milne kee 
Mitti say banaa hoon - jachtaa nahin mujh par garoor

वक़्त को भी हुआ है ज़रूर किसी से इश्क़ 

जो  बेचैन है इतना कि ठहरता ही नहीं 

Vaqt ko bhi huaa hai zaroor kisi say ishq 
Jo bechain hai itnaa ki thehrtaa hee nahin 

Friday, January 19, 2018

पाप का बाप

एक प्रचारक अथवा उपदेशक महात्मा एक छोटे से शहर में रहते थे
बहुत-से लोग उनका उपदेश सुनने के लिए रोज़ उनके स्थान पर आते थे 
कभी कभी, एक बूढ़ी औरत भी वहां आती और दरवाजे के पास ही सीढ़ियों  पर बैठ कर प्रवचन सुनती। उसे दूसरों के साथ अंदर बैठने की इजाजत नहीं थी क्योंकि उसे एक तथाकथित निम्न श्रेणी - नीची जात से संबधित  माना जाता था।
एक दिन महात्मा जी  'पाप' पर  प्रवचन दे रहे थे । उन्होंने कहा "पाप से बचो क्योंकि पाप का फल है नर्क।  
पाप से सावधान रहना चाहिए क्योंकि पाप का नतीजा है - नरक की तरह दुःख भोगना ।" 
तभी अचानक दरवाजे के पास बैठी उस महिला ने  पूछा:
"ज्ञानी जी !  पाप  का बाप कौन है? "
पुजारी जी दंग रह गए । जब उन्हें इस बात का कोई  जवाब नहीं सूझा तो वो गुस्से में बोले, "एक नीच वर्ग की महिला को सवाल पूछने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है।  तुम्हें तो यहां बैठने का भी कोई अधिकार नहीं है। तुरंत  यहां से बाहर निकल जाओ।"
पुजारी के कुछ अनुयायियों ने भी चिल्लाकर उसे वहां से निकाल दिया। 

अगले दिन उस महिला ने अचानक गली में जाते हुए पुजारी जी को देखा तो उन के पास चली गयी और हाथ जोड़कर, पिछली घटना के लिए माफी मांगने लगीं ।  साथ ही उनसे निवेदन किया कि उसके पास हीरों से जड़ित एक सोने का हार है - जो वह उन्हें क्षमा के बदले में पेश करना चाहती है - अगर वह उसके घर आने की  कृपा करें। पुजारी इस प्रस्ताव पर हैरान हो गया और साथ ही साथ असमंजस में भी पड़ गया। उनकी धारणा के अनुसार वह एक कम- ज़ात वाली इस्त्री के घर जाने के लिए तैयार नहीं थे । 
लेकिन हीरे जड़ित सोने का हार मिलने की बात बेहद आकर्षक थी। उन्होंने एक पल के लिए सोचा और कहा " शास्त्रों के अनुसार, सभी इंसान एक ही सर्वशक्तिमान ईश्वर की संतान हैं और सब में एक ही आत्मा निवास करता है। इसलिए, मुझे आपके घर आने में कोई ऐतराज नहीं है "।
महिला बहुत खुश हुई और उन्हें अगले दिन आने के लिए अनुरोध किया।
अगले दिन, प्रचारक महात्मा उस महिला के घर पहुँच गए 

महिला ने उनके लिए कुछ भोजन तैयार किया हुआ था जिसे वो चांदी के बने बर्तनों में लाईं और उनके सामने रख दिया। 
महात्मा उसके द्वारा तैयार किया गया भोजन खाने में हिचकिचाने लगे। उनको झिझकते देखकर, महिला ने कहा कि मैंने सोच रखा था कि जिन बर्तनों में आप भोजन खाएंगे वह  बर्तन भी मैं आप को ही भेंट कर  दूंगी।
पुजारी ने चमकते हुए चांदी के बर्तनों को देखा और झट से खाने के लिए बैठ गया।

जब वह भोजन खा रहा था, तो उस महिला ने सोने के एक कटोरे में दूध लाकर उसके पास रख दिया। पुजारी को अपने भाग्य पर विश्वास नहीं हो रहा था। ये सभी चांदी के बर्तन और सोने का कटोरा भी उन्हें मिलने वाला है - यह सोच कर वो मन ही मन प्रसन्न हो रहे थे कि अचानक एक कुत्ता भागते हुए आया और कटोरे में जीभ डाल कर दूध पीने लगा*। 
महिला ने उसे जल्दी से दूर भगा दिया और हाथ जोड़ते हुए कहा: "ज्ञानी जी - महात्मा जी - यह सोने  का कटोरा तो मैं आप ही को देना चाहती थी मुझे इस कुत्ते के आने और इस कटोरे को जूठा करने का बहुत भारी दुःख हो रहा है"। 

पुजारी उन चांदी के बर्तनों और सोने के कटोरे को खोना नहीं चाहता था।  उसने अपने मन में  सोचा कि 'मैं बाद में कोई धार्मिक अनुष्ठान करके स्वयं को शुद्ध कर सकता हूं, लेकिन सोने व् चांदी के बर्तनों को प्राप्त करने का ऐसा अवसर मुझे फिर कभी नहीं मिल पाएगा ।'
यह सोचकर, उसने महिला से कहा- "धर्म शास्त्रों का कहना है कि न सिर्फ मनुष्यों में - बल्कि सभी प्राणियों में एक जैसी ही आत्मा है
यह कहकर उसने सोने का कटोरा पीने के लिए उठा लिया। 
लेकिन इस से पहले कि कटोरा उसके होंठों तक पहुंचता, महिला ने उसका हाथ पकड़ लिया और कहा:
"अरे महात्मा - ठहरो।  रुक जाओ।
क्या आपको याद है कि मैंने आपको सत्संग में क्या प्रश्न पूछा था? 
जिसका जवाब आपके पास नहीं था।
मैंने आपको उस प्रश्न का सही उत्तर देने के लिए ही यहां आमंत्रित किया था।
उस दिन आप मुझे अपने सत्संग में बैठने भी नहीं देना  चाहते थे।  मेरे प्रश्न पूछने पर भी आपको एतराज़ था  क्योंकि मेरा जन्म एक तथाकथित निम्न घराने में हुआ है।
लेकिन फिर आप मेरे घर आने के लिए भी सहमत हो गए -  यह सोच कर कि आपको हीरे जड़ित सोने का हार मिलेगा।
और जब आप आए, तो आपका कहना था कि मेरे जैसे किसी व्यक्ति द्वारा तैयार किए गए भोजन को खाने से आपका धर्म नष्ट हो जाएगा। लेकिन चाँदी  के बर्तनों को देख कर आप मेरा भोजन खाने के लिए तैयार हो गए। 
यहाँ  तक कि सोने के कटोरे को देख कर अब आप कुत्ते का जूठा दूध भी पीने को तैयार हैं - 
सिर्फ इसलिए कि आप यह सोने और चांदी के बर्तन अपने साथ ले जा सकें ?
तो यह मेरे उस प्रश्न का जवाब है।
अब  आपको समझ आया कि पाप का बाप कौन है?
पाप का बाप है लालच। 
यह लालच ही तो है जिसने आपको वह सब करने पर राज़ी कर लिया  जो आप नहीं करना चाहते थे।

एक बात और। 
यह सब सोने और चाँदी के बर्तन और हीरे जड़ित  हार भी आपके उपदेशों और व्याख्यानों की तरह ही नकली हैं।
पहले, आप स्वयं लालच से छुटकारा पाएं - फिर दूसरों को भी इस से बचने का उपदेश करें। 

याद रखें: लालच सभी बुराइयों की जड़ है। 

                                  'राजन  सचदेव' 

Mother of Sin

A priest /preacher lived in a small town. 
Quite a few people used to come to his place to listen to his sermon - discourse every day.
Occasionally, an old lady came and sat at the door steps. She was not allowed to sit inside with others because she was considered to be from a so-called low class. 
On one such occasion, the priest was giving a discourse on ‘Paap’ meaning Sin. He said “Paap say bacho. Paap ka phal hai narak” (beware of sin. The outcome of sin is suffering - like hell.” Etc.
The old lady sitting at the door steps stood up and asked:
“O' the revered one. Who is the mother of sin?”
The priest was stunned. He became speechless as he could not think of any answer. 
He said “A low-class woman has no right to ask questions. In fact, you have no right to even sit here. You must leave immediately.”
Some followers of the priest also shouted at her and made her leave the place.

Later that day, the old woman saw the priest in the street and approached him. With folded hands, she asked for forgiveness for disturbing his Satsang. She further said she had a gold necklace with diamonds - which she would like to offer him as an apology if he would kindly visit to bless her home. The priest was astonished at the offer and puzzled as well. According to his belief, and what he said earlier during his discourse, he could not associate in anyway with a person belonging to a low-class. But at the same time, the prospect of getting a gold necklace with diamonds was extremely appealing.  He thought for a moment and said “Well. According to Scriptures, all human beings are children of one Almighty God and have the same soul. Therefore, I see no harm in visiting your house”.
The woman was very happy and requested him to come next day.
The following day, the priest arrived at her home as promised. 
The old lady had prepared some food for him and served it in the dishes that were made of silver. 
Again, the priest had some reservations about eating food prepared by her. Seeing his hesitation, she said I had promised myself to give all the dishes to the person who eats in them. 
The priest looked at the shinning silver dishes and sat down to eat. 
While he was eating, the lady brought some milk - in a bowl made of gold and placed near him. The priest could not believe his luck. All these silver dishes and bowl made of gold will be his as soon as he finishes his meal. But suddenly a dog came running and slurped some milk from the bowl*. The lady quickly shooed him away and with folded hands said: “O’ the great one. My heart was really set on giving this gold bowl to you. I sincerely apologize for this incidence but I certainly wanted you to have it.”

The priest did not want to lose those silver dishes and gold bowl either so he thought ‘I can perform some religious rituals later on to purify myself but I may never get such opportunity again.’ 
Thinking this, he said to her - ‘sab me ek hi Aatma to paripurn hai’ – 
"Holy Scriptures say that there is same soul residing  – not just in humans - but in all beings".
Saying this he picked up the gold bowl to drink from it. 
Before the bowl reached to his lips, the old lady grabbed his hand and said:
“Stop right there. 
Do you remember the question I asked you during your Satsang? You did not have the answer.
I invited you here just to give the right answer for that question. 
That day you did not even want me near your place because I belong to a so-called low-class. 
Then you agreed to come to my home - thinking that you will get a gold necklace with diamonds.  
When you came, you said it was against your beliefs to eat food prepared by a person like me. 
But now you are ready to drink from a bowl that a dog has slurped from – just so, that you can take all these gold and silver dishes to your home?
So here is the answer.
Who is the mother of sin?
Greed is the mother of sin. 
It’s the greed that made you do all those things that you did not want to do. 
And mind you. All these silver and gold dishes – the necklace and diamonds are just as fake as your sermons and discourses are fake. 
First, get rid of your own greed - then preach others to stay away from it. 
Remember: Greed is the cause of all evil. 

                                        ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

This is an old Indian story that I heard a long time ago

*Perhaps she had already trained the dog earlier to do this.

दिल से बेहतर Dil Say Behtar

गाहे  गाहे   इसे  पढ़ा  कीजे 
दिल से बेहतर कोई किताब नहीं 

Gaahay Gaahay isay padhaa keejay 
Dil say behtar koi kitaab nahin 

गाहे गाहे Gaahay Gaahay  - Now & Then,  Occasionally

Thursday, January 18, 2018

ये कौन है ? आशा की किरण

मुरझाये से चेहरे पर 
         कुछ आड़ी, कुछ तिरछीं 
                     कुछ हल्की, कुछ गहरी 
स्याह सी लकीरें 
        खिचड़ी जैसे बाल 
                      हाल से बेहाल 
थका हारा तन 
                    उदास मन 
न आँखों में चमक 
                न मुँह पे रौनक़ 
ये कौन है ?
   जो आज मेरे सामने 
              आईने में बैठा है ?

वो कहाँ गया?
        जो कुछ बरस पहले 
                 मेरे आईने में आता था 
             हँसता था - मुस्कुराता था 
अब तो बदला बदला सा 
                      सभी कुछ हो गया 
वो न जाने किस जहाँ  में खो गया ?

 देखते ही देखते 
                सब कुछ बदल गया 
    कुछ खो गया -
                        कुछ मिल गया 
आज भी लेकिन पुरानी - 
             कुछ खट्टी कुछ मीठी 
                            यादों से लिपट के रहता हूँ              
आसपास के कोलाहल से तंग आकर 
                  अपने आप में सिमट के रहता हूँ 
दुनिया की इस भीड़ भाड़ में भी --
                             अक़्सर अकेला रहता हूँ 

कभी कभी निराशा का
             कोई गहरा बादल छा जाता है 
तो उदास मन को 
                    और उदास कर जाता है 
आँख बरसने लगती है 
                                  जी घबराता है 
बंधा हुआ हो पंछी जैसे कोई पिंजरे में 
अनजाने - अनदेखे झूठे बंधनों में 
               बंधा हुआ मन छटपटाता है 

तब यकायक आशा की इक धुंधली सी -
         मन के गहरे अंतस्तल के 
   किसी कोने में छुपी हुई -
                      किरण कोई लहराती है 
 और इन फीकी आँखों में भी 
                      चमक सी आ जाती है 
खिचड़ी जैसे बालों में 
                   कुछ रंगत आने लगती है 
मुरझाए चेहरे पे भी तब 
      धीरे धीरे 
            हल्की हल्की 
                   मीठी सी मुस्कान 
                                नाचने लगती है 

            'राजन सचदेव '

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...