Monday, January 8, 2018

Na kaho gar bura kare koi - Bakhsh do gar khataa karay koi

Ibn-E-Mariyam Huaa Karay Koi
Mere Dukh Ki Dawaa Karay Koi

Shara-o-Aain Par Madaar Sahi

Aise Qaatil Ka Kyaa Karay Koi

Baat Par Waan Zubaan Katati Hai

Wo Kahen - Aur Suna Karaye Koi

Bak Raha Hoon Junoon Main Kya Kya

Kuchh Na Samjhe Khudaa Karay Koi

Na Suno Gar Buraa Kahay Koi

Na Kaho Gar Buraa Karay Koi

Rok Lo Gar Ghalat Chalay Koi

Bakhsh Do Gar Khataa Karay Koi

Kaun Hai Jo Nahin Hai Haajatmand

Kis ki Haajat Rawaa Karay Koi

Kya Kiyaa Khijar Nay Sikandar Say 

Ab Kisay Rahnumaa Karay Koi

Jab Tawaqqo Hi uth Gayi “Ghalib”

Kyun Kisi Ka Gilaa Karay Koi
                                "Mirza Ghalib" 

Meaning of some difficult words -

   ibn                                 son/child
   Mariyam                    virgin Mary
 (Ibne Mariyam)            Son of Mary - Jesus
  Shar'a                          the Islamic law
 Aaeen                           law/custom
 Madaar                          orbit/circumference / Based upon
 Junoon                            ecstasy
 Haajat_mand              person in need
 Haajat                            need
 Rawa                              fulfill
Tavaqqo                        expectations
 Gilaa                               complaint


  1. Honorable Thought .

  2. Always a pleasure to read Mirza Ghalib

  3. Few verses were hard to understand. Could you translate especially first three and last three?

  4. Thanks for your comments and inquiry. Nice to see that you were interested to know the meaning of this ghazal in depth - which I have posted today.... after reading your message. Hope it helps.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...