Thursday, May 22, 2014

'Karma’….. The theory of Cause and effect.

Every effect has a cause and every cause has an effect.
That effect again becomes the cause of another effect, thus forming the continuous links of a constant chain of actions and reactions.
It’s called the ‘Never-ending cycle of ‘Karma’.

There are mysteries we do not understand. Perhaps we will never understand them.
But when I look around carefully, I see proof that for every effect, there is a cause.
I put sugar in my coffee and it tastes sweet.
I put water in a pot and place it on a burning stove, it boils.
I place a tray of water in the freezer, it becomes ice.
I push a cart and it moves.

The same principle also works on the mental plane.
Mom is angry because the son did not do his homework.
Tom is upset because he lost his job.
Little Johnnie is sad because his cat died.
Parents are happy because their child graduated.
And so on.
Every day - in every incidence - we see that every effect has a cause and every cause has an effect.

However, when we see some effects and we are unable to determine its cause, our faith in reason and the theory of ‘Karma’ is shaken.

But when I start putting two and two together, I realize there must be a corresponding cause to every effect, even if I can’t see it.

Until a few centuries ago, we did not know why the sun comes up every morning.
Now we know that the sun comes up because the world turns.
Now we know that there are reasons for eclipses and change of seasons; for storms and hurricanes; for floods and droughts.

There are still many mysteries that science has not figured out yet.
But I find it reassuring that science has also proved that no effect is possible without a cause and in turn, every cause must bring an effect.

This exactly is the ‘Theory of Karma’.
It helps us to cope with the situations.
It makes us understand that there is no one “up there” to take revenge on us or pulling some random strings, discriminating by doing favors to his favorites and destroying the others.

It makes us understand that whatever happened has happened because of a reason. 
Our reaction to what has happened will become the cause of the further effect. This cycle does not stop but we can change the future effects by changing the reaction to the current effect.

The cycle of ‘Karma’ - the effect or consequences of previous Karmas is called Destiny. It cannot be changed.
Our actions - and reactions to previous actions - create our destiny.
It's our doing - not God's will.

The ability to change the reaction to the current effect and thus changing the future is ‘Free will’.

Both - destiny and Free-will are interconnected.
They cannot be separated.
                                     ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. Dhan Nirankar Ji, Uncle! Thank you so much for sharing this very in-depth analysis of the 'karma' theory. However, isn't it that the effect of every cause is actually unpredictable? In the book 'Jeevant Shikshak', HH Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji puts this thought across in the form of an example where he says that one may choose to put less salt while cooking food, thinking that it'd not lead to BP shooting up. However, whether the BP would shoot up or not (effect) is not in man's hands. Could aapji elaborate further on this ji? I happen to have a very limited understanding and may be missing something for me to be able to connect the dots ji. 🙏

  2. Very impressive explanation ��

  3. Very apt paragraph on cause and effect.. thanks Rajan jee.. could you tell more on technique for changing the reaction to the current effect ..Free Will 🙏🙏

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very impressive explanation ��


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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