शुभं करोति कल्याणमारोग्यं धनसंपदा ।
शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते ॥
ज्ञान का प्रकाश शुभता, स्वास्थ्य और समृद्धि लाता है।
यह दुर्भावना और शत्रुता की भावनाओं को नष्ट करता है।
ऐसे ज्ञान रुपी प्रकाश को नमस्कार।
Discussion - is an exchange of Thoughts & Knowledge Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of Ego & Ignorance ...
ReplyDelete🙏Bahut hee Uttam shiksha ji .🙏
ReplyDeleteWell said n aptly conveyed. Wisdom is catharsis despite of unprecedented flood of information and knowledge. Acquirement of wisdom is via GYAAN n through true Lordmaster who clears all chaos, confusion with message of C(compassion) L(love) U(universal) B( brotherhood) life approach.