Monday, November 11, 2024

Lord Krishna - in front of a mirror

Once, Lord Krishn was standing in front of the mirror - perfecting his appearance - fixing his hair and dress.
He was trying on different crowns on his head and putting on some expensive, elegant jewelry.
His charioteer waited outside with the chariot ready.

After waiting for long, the charioteer thought - usually, Lord Krishn gets ready very quickly and comes out.
But today, even after so much time has passed, he has still not come out of his room. 
Perhaps he has changed his mind and postponed the idea of ​​going out?
Because Krishn was unpredictable by nature, and his actions were often unexpected.
He would take any decision at any time - but everything could change at the last moment too.

So, he went inside and saw that he was standing in front of the mirror - admiring himself.
He politely asked, My dear Lord, where are you going today dressed in such costly clothes and ornaments?
Lord Krishn said - I am going to meet Duryodhan.
"You are dressing up so elegantly, in such costly clothes - to meet Duryodhan?" 
 The surprised charioteer asked.

Lord Krishn said: Yes, Bhadra (Gentleman) – because he cannot see inside me.
He can only appreciate my outer appearance.
Only good clothes – diamonds and gemstone studded ornaments can impress him.
He can not see the inner beauty of people - their knowledge – and their feelings.
He is used to judging a person only by the outer clothing and ornaments.
Therefore, it is necessary to wear all these ornaments to impress him.
It is how I am dressed that will impress him."

The charioteer said - Pardon me, my Lord - but why are you even going to Duryodhan? 
Instead of you going to him, he should come to you.
You are the Lord of the world. There is no comparison between you and him.
I think this is not the right thing to do. 
You should not go to him - Let him come to you.”

Lord Krishn turned around, looked at him, smiled, and said,
“ Bhadra (gentleman) - Darkness does not come to light.
 Light has to go to darkness.”
                                          ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. So very true darkness doesn’t come to light !!๐Ÿ•‰๐Ÿ•‰๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  2. Very beautiful and inspirational story

  3. What a wonderful explanation about Lord Krishna

  4. What a story!
    Many individuals are unable to see the qualities of others that truly matter (personality, emotions, character, intellect), as they prioritize the temporary and deceptive qualities of outter appearances. These outter appearances never paint the true picture about a person because an individual's character is defined by their morals, character, and inner soul rather than their materialistic possessions. Even a poor person can possess wise wisdom, and a rich business man can make poor decisions.

    Take a beautiful looking cake for example. The cake may look delicious in appearance, but the baker may have mistaken sugar for salt, thus leaving the cake with a very poor saltly taste. Similarly, when we judge others by only their Maya qualities, we fail to observe who they truly are. It is only after we taste the cake and learn what is INSIDE that we know.
    People who live their lives prioritizing Maya, will find that they only prioritize Maya when judging a person. In order to look at a person's true character, we must first look into ourselves, perform a self-analysis, and then determine our spiritual priorities.

    Furthermore, I completely agree with the quote , "Darkness does not come to light, Light has to go to darkness." Those who are in the dark may find their way difficult to tread as they are "blind". It should be the duty of those in the light to spread that light as they are enlightened.
    Thanks for sharing Ji!

  5. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ amazing

  6. Apt critique of Dwapar Yug Spiritual Master Lord Krishna and HIS dot on "words of wisdom ". Need of contemporary 'Kalyug' generations which is just going astray by focussing exclusively on outer appearance while ignoring inner beauty.

  7. Beautiful story!
    Outer beauty is often inherited from our parents. It can only be enhanced to a limited extent by material objects like clothes, makeup and jewelry. Most people are impressed with outer beauty alone. Only a few look deeper and seek people with inner beauty.
    For inner beauty, the guidance from our parents or teachers gets us started on the right path. But most of the work has to be done by ourselves. Our experiences, based on our choices under different circumstances, determine how we develop. Good choices lead to character building and inner beauty, while bad choices do the opposite.

  8. Very enlightening! Thanks for sharing Rajan Saheb!

  9. Amazing story with a great lesson ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...