Friday, November 8, 2024

Vo mujh me maujood hai - He is present within me

Jantaa hoon kuchh nahin hoon par phir bhi magroor hoon 
Paal kay Khush-fehmiyaan dil mein apnay masroor hoon 

Hai yahi vajah - ki 'Rajan ' mil nahin saktaa usay 
Vo mujh me maujood hai phir bhi main us say door hoon
                   "Rajan Sachdeva "

I know I am nothing - and yet I am proud and egotistic.
I am happy and content by keeping some misconceptions in my heart.

This is the reason that I cannot meet the Lord.
He is present within me - yet I am so far from Him. 

Khush-fehmiyaan = Misconceptions nurtured to keep oneself happy 
             - such thoughts or hopes which have no basis but are kept in the heart to console oneself 
           - Deusion of considering oneself to be excellent.
Masroor = Happy, pleased, Ecstatic, Intoxicated 


  1. Mun tuh jot saroop ha aapana mool pahchan her ji taray naal gurmite rang maan

  2. Realisation of HIS presence in every one is undeniably a matter of fact. Opening lines "Tuh hi Nirankar' in Simran acknowledges this truth. That's why SNM exhorts all followers to imbibe in action this spirit. Love one, Love all.

  3. Extremely wise words.

    In my opinion, this shows the importance of the Satguru. As humans, we cannot be perfect. The true definition of perfection is , "the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects."
    As humans, we possess conditional emotions (those that change with the circumstances) , egos, and personal mindsets that cause instability in our path of Salvation , thus proving we cannot be perfect.
    We know that the only entity that possesses this quality of perfection is the Satguru (Nirankar), which is why we must attempt to remain connected with Him at all times. This is critical to comprehend because we are aware of the teachings of the Satguru, yet sometimes our mind and ego prevents us from following these teachings. But this mind and ego are things we must live with and learn to understand.

    For example, when driving a car even in a straight line, the steering wheel requires numerous micro corrections to keep the vehicle moving in the right direction. We cannot just point the car in the right direction once and assume that it will never veer from the direction we have assigned. Similarly, when we are on this path of salvation, our Satguru will provide us the micro corrections that we need to keep moving in the right direction. This micro corrections are neccessary due to the fact that we are unable to be perfect.

    That being said, we must also try our best to curb thoughts that are not in line with what our Satguru teaches. We must make an active effort to perform self-analysis and make changes. The Satguru will help us with this path, but it is our duty to move our legs.

    Thank you for sharing Ji!


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...